
Taming Your Cloud Expenses: 14 Cloud Cost Governance Tools for Different Use Cases

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
June 27
14 min
Table of Contents

Cloud cost governance tools help organizations manage, optimize, and control their cloud expenses by providing insights into resource usage, identifying inefficiencies, and offering recommendations for cost savings.

We have grouped the cloud expense management software tools according to their primary focus on hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, or vendor-specific environments (with a primary focus on Azure and AWS), helping you choose the most suitable tool for your organization’s needs.

14 Cloud Cost Governance Tools to Consider for Your Organization

We highlighted key strengths and weaknesses. The advantages highlight the key features of each cloud cost governance tool. The limitations provide an overview of potential drawbacks or challenges you may encounter when using each cloud expense management software tool. This should help you make an informed decision based on your organization’s specific needs and requirements.

Hybrid Cloud Tools

Turbonomic (formerly VMTurbo)

Offers cost optimization, workload automation, and performance assurance features for AWS, Azure, GCP, and on-premises environments.

Key strengths

  • Holistic optimization across both cloud and on-premises environments
  • Workload automation for improved efficiency
  • Performance assurance to maintain application quality

Key weaknesses

  • Complexity of the platform may require a learning curve
  • Pricing can be expensive for smaller organizations
  • Some users report occasional issues with support responsiveness


Morpheus Data

Provides cost optimization, visibility, budgeting, and cost-saving recommendations for AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud providers, as well as on-premises environments.

Key strengths

  • Unified multi-cloud and on-premises management
  • Cost optimization and visibility across environments
  • Extensive integration options with existing tools and platforms

Key weaknesses

  • Interface can be overwhelming for new users
  • May require extensive customization to fit specific use cases
  • Limited out-of-the-box integrations with some third-party tools

Multi-cloud Tools

CloudHealth by VMware

Supports AWS, Azure, and GCP with cost analysis, optimization recommendations, budgeting, and reporting features.

Key strengths

  • Comprehensive multi-cloud cost management
  • Granular visibility into resource usage
  • Customizable reporting and budgeting features

Key weaknesses

  • Some users report a steep learning curve for advanced features
  • Customization and configuration can be complex
  • Integration with private clouds and on-premises environments is limited



Offers cost optimization, security, and compliance features for AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Key strengths

  • Cost optimization alongside security and compliance features
  • Detailed usage analytics and insights
  • Resource inventory tracking and management

Key weaknesses

  • User interface can be less intuitive compared to competitors
  • Limited support for on-premises and private cloud infrastructures
  • Some users report slow performance in large environments


Flexera Cloud Management Platform (formerly RightScale)

Provides cost visibility, budgeting, optimization features, security, and compliance capabilities for AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud platforms.

Key strengths

  • Broad platform support, including public and private clouds
  • Integrated cost, security, and compliance capabilities
  • Flexible reporting and customizable dashboards

Key weaknesses

  • Can be complex to set up and configure
  • User interface may not be as intuitive as some competitors
  • Smaller organizations may find the pricing prohibitive


Apptio Cloudability

Offers cost insights, optimization recommendations, and budgeting features for AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Key strengths

  • In-depth cost analytics and insights
  • Rightsizing recommendations for optimization
  • Powerful budgeting and forecasting tools

Key weaknesses

  • Steeper learning curve for users new to cloud cost management
  • Limited integration with on-premises and private cloud environments
  • Pricing may not be suitable for smaller businesses



Uses machine learning to optimize resource allocation and reduce costs across AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud platforms.

Key strengths

  • Machine learning-driven resource optimization
  • Continuous improvement through proactive analysis
  • Integration with major cloud providers and platforms

Key weaknesses

  • Limited support for on-premises and private cloud platforms
  • User interface may not be as user-friendly as some competitors
  • Setup and configuration can be complex for some organizations


Vendor-focused Tools

AWS Cost Explorer

A native AWS tool that provides detailed cost and usage reports for analyzing trends, identifying cost drivers, and detecting areas for potential savings.

Key strengths

  • Native AWS integration and insights
  • Detailed cost and usage reporting
  • Visualization of trends and potential savings opportunities

Key weaknesses

  • Limited to AWS environments, no multi-cloud support
  • Lacks some of the advanced features found in third-party tools
  • User interface could be improved for better usability


Azure Cost Management

A built-in Azure service that offers cost analysis, budgeting, and alerting features for monitoring and optimizing Azure spending.

Key strengths

  • Built-in Azure service for easy access and integration
  • Comprehensive cost analysis and alerting features
  • Customized budgeting and spending controls

Key weaknesses

  • Limited to Azure environments, no multi-cloud support
  • Some users report occasional data accuracy issues
  • Lacks some advanced optimization features found in third-party tools


Google Cloud Cost Management

Google Cloud Platform’s (GCP) suite of cost management tools, including cost breakdowns, budgeting features, and recommendations for optimizing resource usage.

Key strengths

  • Native GCP cost management tools and insights
  • Cost breakdowns and recommendations for optimization
  • Flexible budgeting and forecasting features

Key weaknesses

  • Limited to GCP environments, no multi-cloud support
  • Less mature compared to AWS and Azure cost management tools
  • Advanced features may require additional setup and configuration



Focuses on “parking” idle resources in AWS, Azure, and GCP by identifying and automatically scheduling non-production resources to be turned off during specified time periods.

Key strengths

  • Focused on “parking” idle resources for cost savings
  • Automation of resource scheduling
  • Multi-cloud support for AWS, Azure, and GCP

Key weaknesses

  • Focused primarily on resource “parking,” missing some advanced cost management features
  • Limited integration with on-premises and private cloud environments
  • No native support for container-based workloads


Spot by NetApp (formerly Spotinst)

Leverages spot instances and reserved instances in AWS, Azure, and GCP to help organizations reduce their cloud infrastructure costs.

Key strengths

  • Utilizes spot instances and reserved instances for cost reduction
  • Intelligent instance selection and bidding strategies
  • Supports AWS, Azure, and GCP

Key weaknesses

  • Primarily focused on spot and reserved instance optimization, lacking some broader cost management features
  • Limited support for on-premises and private cloud environments
  • May not cover all possible cost optimization strategies



Reduces costs by scheduling and automating tasks, such as starting and stopping instances, creating snapshots, and deleting unused resources in AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Key strengths

  • Task automation and scheduling across cloud platforms
  • Reduces costs by managing idle and unused resources
  • Customizable actions and notifications

Key weaknesses

  • Focused on task automation and scheduling, missing some advanced cost management features
  • Limited support for on-premises and private cloud environments
  • User interface could be more intuitive


Zesty Commit (formerly ProsperOps)

A cloud cost management solution focused on reserved instance (RI) and savings plan optimization for AWS, using predictive algorithms to recommend optimal RI and savings plan purchases.

Key strengths

  • Optimizes reserved instances (RIs) and savings plans on AWS
  • Predictive algorithms for cost-effective purchasing recommendations
  • Automated management of RIs and savings plans

Key weaknesses

  • Limited to AWS reserved instances and savings plans optimization
  • Lacks broader cost management and optimization features
  • Not suitable for organizations using only pay-as-you-go pricing


Which of the Cloud Cost Governance tools would be suitable for smaller cloud projects?

For smaller cloud projects, it’s essential to choose cost governance tools that are easy to use, have a lower learning curve, and offer cost-effective pricing. Here are some tools that would be suitable for smaller cloud projects:

Azure Cost Management (for Azure users)

This built-in Azure service offers cost analysis, budgeting, and alerting features for monitoring and optimizing Azure spending. It is available at no additional cost for Azure pay-as-you-go customers.

AWS Cost Explorer (for AWS users)

As a native AWS tool, it provides cost and usage insights specifically for AWS environments. It has no additional cost and is included with an AWS account.

Google Cloud Cost Management (for GCP users)

Google Cloud Platform’s suite of cost management tools provides cost breakdowns, budgeting features, and recommendations for optimizing resource usage. It is included with a GCP account and has no extra cost.


ParkMyCloud focuses on “parking” idle resources in AWS, Azure, and GCP. It offers a simple interface and a free tier with basic features, making it suitable for smaller projects.


Skeddly is a task automation and scheduling tool for AWS, Azure, and GCP. It offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing you to pay only for the actions executed, making it suitable for smaller projects with limited budgets.

When selecting a tool for smaller cloud projects, consider your specific cloud provider, the tool’s ease of use, and its pricing model. The above tools should provide a good starting point for managing and optimizing costs in smaller cloud environments.


Which of the Cloud Cost Governance tools would be suitable for larger cloud projects?

For large cloud projects, it’s crucial to choose cost governance tools that offer comprehensive features, scalability, and support for complex environments. Here are some tools that would be suitable for larger cloud projects:

CloudHealth by VMware

A multi-cloud cost management platform that provides cost analysis, optimization recommendations, budgeting, and reporting features for AWS, Azure, and GCP. It’s well-suited for large organizations with complex multi-cloud environments.


A comprehensive cloud management platform offering cost optimization, security, and compliance features for AWS, Azure, and GCP. Its advanced analytics and insights make it a good fit for large-scale cloud projects.

Flexera Cloud Management Platform (formerly RightScale)

A multi-cloud management solution that supports AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud platforms. Flexera offers cost visibility, budgeting, optimization features, security, and compliance capabilities, making it suitable for enterprises with complex cloud environments.

Apptio Cloudability

A multi-cloud cost management platform that provides in-depth cost insights, optimization recommendations, and budgeting features for AWS, Azure, and GCP. Its powerful analytics and forecasting tools make it an excellent choice for large organizations.


A cloud resource management solution that uses machine learning to optimize resource allocation and reduce costs across AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud platforms. Its continuous improvement and proactive analysis capabilities make it well-suited for large-scale cloud projects.

Turbonomic (formerly VMTurbo)

A hybrid cloud management platform offering cost optimization, workload automation, and performance assurance features for AWS, Azure, GCP, and on-premises environments. Its holistic optimization approach makes it suitable for large organizations with hybrid cloud infrastructures.

Morpheus Data

A multi-cloud management platform providing cost optimization, visibility, budgeting, and cost-saving recommendations for AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud providers, as well as on-premises environments. Its extensive integration options make it a good fit for large organizations with complex cloud infrastructures.

When selecting a tool for large cloud projects, consider the tool’s capabilities in handling multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environments, its scalability, advanced features, and the level of support provided by the vendor. The above tools should provide a solid foundation for managing and optimizing costs in large-scale cloud environments.


Which of the Cloud Cost Governance tools has the most intuitive dashboards?

While individual preferences may vary, the following cloud cost governance tools are generally known for their intuitive and user-friendly dashboards:

CloudHealth by VMware

CloudHealth offers customizable dashboards and reporting features that help users visualize and understand their cloud costs, resource usage, and optimization opportunities with ease.

Apptio Cloudability

Apptio Cloudability’s dashboard provides a clear visual representation of cost trends, resource usage, and optimization recommendations. Its design helps users quickly identify cost drivers and potential savings areas.


ParkMyCloud’s dashboard is simple and straightforward, focusing on displaying idle resources and allowing users to schedule “parking” times with ease. This tool is specifically designed for managing idle resources, making its dashboard highly targeted and easy to use.

Azure Cost Management

As a built-in Azure service, Azure Cost Management’s dashboard integrates seamlessly with the Azure Portal, offering an intuitive way to analyze and optimize Azure spending. Users can customize the dashboard to display relevant cost data and insights.

Google Cloud Cost Management

Google Cloud Platform’s suite of cost management tools, including the Google Cloud Console, offers a user-friendly interface with customizable charts, tables, and filters to help users understand and manage their GCP costs effectively.

Please note that user experiences may vary, and the intuitiveness of a dashboard can be subjective. It’s essential to evaluate each tool based on your organization’s specific needs and preferences to find the one that best fits your requirements. Most of these tools offer a trial or demo, which can help you assess their dashboard’s intuitiveness and ease of use before making a decision.


Which of the Cloud Cost Governance tool is the best?

It’s challenging to declare an overall winner among this cloud cost governance tools, as the best choice depends on your organization’s specific needs, cloud environment, and requirements. Each cloud expense management software tool has its unique advantages, limitations, and target audience.

To help you determine the best fit for your organization, consider the following factors:

Cloud Environment

If you are using a single cloud provider (AWS, Azure, or GCP), their native cost management tools might be sufficient. For multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environments, consider tools like CloudHealth, CloudCheckr, Flexera, or Densify.

Size and Complexity of the Project

For smaller projects, tools with simpler interfaces and lower costs, such as ParkMyCloud or Skeddly, may be suitable. For larger projects with complex infrastructures, comprehensive platforms like CloudHealth, CloudCheckr, Apptio Cloudability, or Turbonomic might be more appropriate.

Feature Requirements

Different tools offer various features, such as cost analysis, optimization recommendations, budgeting, or security and compliance. Evaluate each tool based on your organization’s priorities and requirements.

Ease of Use

Some tools have more intuitive dashboards and user interfaces than others. Assess the usability of each tool by trying a demo or trial version before making a decision.

Ultimately, the “winner” will be the tool that best aligns with your organization’s specific needs, preferences, and budget. Carefully evaluate each option and choose the one that offers the right balance of features, usability, and cost for your situation.


How to determine and implement effective strategies for cloud cost governance?

When it comes to cloud cost governance, implementing effective strategies is crucial for managing and optimizing cloud spending. Here are some relevant strategies:

Establish a Cloud Cost Governance Team

Create a dedicated team responsible for monitoring and managing cloud costs. This team should include representatives from finance, IT, and business units to ensure a comprehensive approach.

Define Policies and Guidelines

Develop clear policies and guidelines for cloud usage, resource allocation, and cost optimization. Make sure these policies are communicated and enforced across the organization.

Implement Budgeting and Forecasting

Set budgets for cloud spending and use forecasting tools to predict future costs. Regularly review and adjust budgets based on actual usage and changing requirements.

Monitor and Analyze Cloud Usage

Continuously monitor cloud resource usage and costs using cloud cost management tools. Analyze this data to identify trends, inefficiencies, and opportunities for cost optimization.

Optimize Resource Allocation

Use tools and techniques such as rightsizing, auto-scaling, and spot instances to optimize resource allocation and reduce costs.

Leverage Reserved Instances and Savings Plans

Purchase reserved instances or commit to savings plans for long-term workloads to take advantage of discounted rates compared to on-demand pricing.

Manage Idle and Underutilized Resources

Identify and eliminate idle or underutilized resources, such as unused instances, storage, or IP addresses, to reduce unnecessary costs.

Implement Cost Allocation Tags

Use tagging to allocate costs to specific projects, departments, or teams. This enables better visibility into which areas are driving costs and helps hold stakeholders accountable for their cloud spending.

Regularly Review and Optimize Costs

Conduct periodic reviews of cloud costs and optimization opportunities. Continuously iterate and improve your cost governance strategies based on insights gained from these reviews.

Educate and Train Employees

Provide training and resources to help employees understand cloud cost governance and their role in managing costs effectively.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can gain better control over their cloud costs, optimize resources, and ensure that cloud spending aligns with business objectives.

If you want to learn more about cloud cost optimization, see our consulting services and get in touch. We will help you analyze your needs and propose the optimal solution.

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
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