
Software Migrations Services

Undertake software migration with the right software partner
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Software Migrations Services

  • Complex undertaking with the right approach.
    Proper planning, and knowledgeable IT partner can be smooth and easy!
  • Software migration is highly beneficial for businesses.
    It improves functionality, reduces the risk of cyberattacks and increases overall employee and customer satisfaction!
  • Increased efficiency of systems and operations.
    With higher level of security and protection of know-how!
  • Improved Functionality. Newer software systems often offer more features and capabilities than older ones. By migrating to a new system, you can improve your business’s efficiency and productivity.
  • Cost Savings. This is especially true if you’re able to consolidate multiple systems into one. Sometimes such migration doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking after all. Properly planned and implemented, it saves time and money.
  • Integrations and automation are worth considering when planning a migration. There are many ways to execute it, the key is to find an IT partner who can help design the optimal solution.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction. If your current system is outdated or difficult to use, your customers may be less satisfied with your products or services. By migrating to a new system, you can provide them with a better experience and improve your chances of retaining their business.
  • Future-Proofing Your Business. As technology evolves, older software systems often become obsolete. By migrating to a new system now, you can ensure that your business will be able to take advantage of future advancements.

By migrating to a new system, you can improve functionality, decrease costs, increase customer satisfaction, and future-proof your business. If you’re thinking about migrating to new technologies, consider choosing a business-oriented IT partner like Hicron Software House.

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Why Use Software Migration Services? 

In business, change is inevitable – and that includes changes to the software you use to run your business. When the time comes to upgrade, automate, integrate or replace your current software, you have two choices: do it your way or use a software migration service.

You'll Save Time

One of the biggest benefits of working with Hicron Software House is that you’ll save time. Migrating to new software can be time-consuming, especially if you’re doing it yourself. Our software migration service can handle the entire process for you, from start to finish.  

Be sure to stay informed, updated and satisfied. We have successfully carried out many migrations. Whether it was to update the technology or migrate to the cloud. Hicron Software House team tailors solutions to fit the needs of the organization. 

You'll Save Money

If you’re worried about the cost of migrating to new software, working with a service can actually help you save money, also in the long run. A good software migration service will provide you with a fixed price quote and a plan for migration before any work begins. This means you’ll know exactly how much it will cost to migrate to your new software – and there won’t be any hidden fees or unexpected costs down the road.

You'll Get Expertise and Support

You’ll have access to experts who can help ensure a smooth transition to your new software. Our experts will work with you every step of the way, providing guidance and support as needed. We can also answer any questions you may have about your new software or the migration process. And if there are any issues along the way, we’ll be there to help resolve them quickly and efficiently.

Satisfaction is guaranteed

Migrating to new software can be a daunting task. But working with a software migration service can save you time, money and headaches in the long run. Benefits of using a software migration service by Hicron Software House are numerous.

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If you’re considering migrating to new software, work with a reputable service. It is one of the best decisions you can make. Our team in Hicron Software House will gladly help!

Software Migrations: How to Tackle Them

Software migration is the process of moving an application or piece of software from one environment to another. From moving an app from a physical server to the cloud, or from one cloud provider to another, upgrading an existing application to a newer version, or even porting an application to a new operating system or platform. Name the challenge and Hicron’s team will respond adequately!

Why do companies migrate their software?

There are many reasons why organizations might need to migrate their software.

  • Perhaps the most common reason is that the original software is no longer supported by its vendor or is due for end-of-life. In this case, migration may be required in order to keep the software running and avoid any potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Another common reason for migrating software is simply that the original system is no longer fit for purpose and needs to be replaced.
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What do we consider when planning a software migration?

Whatever the reason for migrating software, it’s important to approach the task in a thoughtful and methodical way. In Hicron Software House, we approach each migration based on the organization’s business needs. Here are the key considerations for planning and executing a successful software migration. We help at each stage.

#1. Define the Scope of the Migration

The first step in any migration project is to define the scope of what needs to be moved, and what can be left behind. It’s important to take stock of everything that will be affected by the migration, including not just the software itself but also any dependent systems and processes. This will help to create a clear plan for how the migration will be carried out, and ensure that nothing gets missed along the way.

#2. Assess Risk and Impact

Once you have a good understanding of what needs to be migrated, it’s time to assess the risk and impact of doing so. What are the risks associated with each individual component of the migration? What could go wrong? And what would be the consequences if something did go wrong? It’s also important to think about how the migration might impact users and other systems that rely on the software being migrated. We try to identify any potential bottlenecks or areas of contention before they become problems.

#3. Choose Your Approach

There are many different ways to approach a software migration, so it’s important to choose one that makes sense for your organization and your particular circumstances. Do you need to migrate everything all at once, or can you do it incrementally? Are there any components that can be migrated manually, or do they all need to be automated? Can you leverage existing tools and scripts, or do you need to develop new ones? These are all important questions that need to be answered before you can begin planning in earnest.

#4. Plan Carefully and Execute flawlessly

Once you have a clear understanding of what needs to happen, it’s time to start planning in detail. Depending on the size and complexity of your migration project, this stage could involve anything from creating high-level process flows all the way down to writing detailed scripts for each individual component. It’s also important at this stage to think about who will be responsible for each task, and when they will need access to various systems during the course of the project.

#5. Test Thoroughly Before Going Live

No matter how well you plan, there’s always going chance that something will go wrong during a live migration. For this reason, it’s essential to test everything thoroughly before making any changes in production. This might involve setting up a staging environment that mirrors production as closely as possible, or even running simulated migrations using dummy data.

By testing as much as possible before going live, we can minimize the risk of downtime or data loss when things do eventually go live.

Migrate with Hicron Software House

Migrating software with careful planning won’t reach roadblock status. We help to define the scope of work, assess risks, choose the right approach, plan, execute, and test thoroughly.

By working with an experienced and reputable software migration service provider, you can rest assured that your data and applications will be migrated safely and with minimal downtime. So, if you’re thinking about migrating your software, don’t wait, Hicron Software House is here to help. Get in touch to discuss your needs!

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Our Proof of Concept

How to use DevOps without burning budget with a flexible environment

When to Use Software Migration Services?

Upgrading to a newer version of the software, changing operating systems, or migrating to a new platform or technology. Whatever the reason for migrating, it’s important to ensure that the data and applications are moved over safely and with minimal downtime. That’s where software migration services come in.

There are a number of things to consider before migrating software, such as understanding the risks involved, estimating the cost and effort required, and planning for any unforeseen issues. Once you’ve decided that migrating is the right course of action, it’s time to choose a software migration service provider. Here are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision:

  • Experience: You’ll want to work with a provider who has extensive experience migrating the type of software you’re using. Feel free to ask for references or check out case studies so you can get a better idea of the track record.
  • Support: Make sure that your provider offers vast knowledge support.
  • Cost: A quotes is something that helps achieve transparency and boosts credibility. Keep in mind that the lowest price isn’t always the best option – you’ll want to balance cost with quality and experience.
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What our partners say about us

Hicron’s contributions have been vital in making our product ready for commercialization. Their commitment to excellence, innovative solutions, and flexible approach were key factors in our successful collaboration.
I wholeheartedly recommend Hicron to any organization seeking a strategic long-term partnership, reliable and skilled partner for their technological needs.

tantum sana logo transparent
Günther Kalka
Managing Director, tantum sana GmbH

After carefully evaluating suppliers, we decided to try a new approach and start working with a near-shore software house. Cooperation with Hicron Software House was something different, and it turned out to be a great success that brought added value to our company.

With HICRON’s creative ideas and fresh perspective, we reached a new level of our core platform and achieved our business goals.

Many thanks for what you did so far; we are looking forward to more in future!

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Jan-Henrik Schulze
Head of Industrial Lines Development at HDI Group

Hicron is a partner who has provided excellent software development services. Their talented software engineers have a strong focus on collaboration and quality. They have helped us in achieving our goals across our cloud platforms at a good pace, without compromising on the quality of our services. Our partnership is professional and solution-focused!

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Phil Scott
Director of Software Delivery at NBS

The IT system supporting the work of retail outlets is the foundation of our business. The ability to optimize and adapt it to the needs of all entities in the PSA Group is of strategic importance and we consider it a step into the future. This project is a huge challenge: not only for us in terms of organization, but also for our partners – including Hicron – in terms of adapting the system to the needs and business models of PSA. Cooperation with Hicron consultants, taking into account their competences in the field of programming and processes specific to the automotive sector, gave us many reasons to be satisfied.


PSA Group - Wikipedia
Peter Windhöfel
IT Director At PSA Group Germany

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