
Balancing the DRY Principle with Readability in Software Development

Anna Kamińska
Anna Kamińska
Regular Software Engineer
March 19
5 min
Table of Contents

DRY is one of the most common principles in software development. This abbreviation stands for “Don’t repeat yourself” and is one of the first clean code rules each developer learns. There is not much to explain with it: we should focus on avoiding logic duplication. This concept was introduced in “The Pragmatic Programmer” by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas by the quote: “every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system”.

Why is the DRY concept useful in software development?

Why is this concept so useful? For example, if we have to change something in code that is written in multiple places there is always a risk that some place will be omitted by mistake and cause bugs. With only one block it is much easier to provide modifications with less risk of error.

Adhering to DRY promotes a modular codebase, which facilitates code organization and promotes a more systematic approach to development. It encourages developers to identify patterns and abstractions in their codebase, leading to more scalable and extensible software solutions.

Is the DRY way always the right way to go?

But is the DRY way always the right way to go? That was the question we asked ourselves when we had to create a testing framework for one of our clients. After facing an already existing code base, we realized that blindly sticking to DRY rules might not always be optimal in the context of for example testing frameworks. The code was uneasy to follow, very hard to read and dedicated probably to very experienced QAs. That is why after careful consideration we decided to modify our approach to make code tell the whole story so even someone with limited programming skills can easily read and write tests.

Practical analysis of the example of contact forms

Let’s take a look at two Hicron pages and contact forms:

This is the contact form from Hicron Software House:

Hicron Software House Contact form

This is the contact form from Hicron:

Hicron contact form

At first glance, both of the forms look alike. For this example, we will assume that both forms have the same elements to find them by. With DRY rules, we would probably try to add one method to fill the contact form.

code example

This code will work perfectly for Hicron Software House form, but something is missing from So, now we have to add one additional argument and one conditional:

code example

That does not look so bad, but what if there will be more contact forms? Like this one:

contact form example

We have to add another conditional and another argument here:

code example

With more cases, and more forms, the complexity of the code grows, and maintaining and debugging becomes more difficult. Also, the readability of code is reduced, and is hard to read and understand. The logic flow is harder to follow, especially if there are nested if statements. Future modifications are also harder to implement.

In our implementation instead of rigidly following the DRY principle, we decided to do things in a more pragmatic approach.

code example

Each class of contact form has similar methods, simplifying the usage and maintenance of our codebase. As the methods have consistent names and behaviors across various classes, developers can quickly grasp how to interact with them. This approach made our code more resilient to changes in requirements or implementation details of each contact form. If any form differs from the others, having separate classes with distinct methods allows us to avoid unnecessary complexity or dependencies. For instance, instead of adding conditions or arguments to a method, we can create different methods tailored to each form, such as

fillNeededTechnologies("Angular")in NewContactForm.class


checkInformationClause() in HicronContactForm.class.

When to prioritize practicality?

With this project, we prioritized practicality over sticking to the DRY principle. While we didn’t discard the principle entirely, we found that, in this instance, the advantages of code reuse or abstraction were overshadowed by the simplicity and clarity derived from employing straightforward, self-contained classes and methods. It’s essential to ensure that the chosen approach remains maintainable, understandable, and scalable as the codebase evolves over time. By carefully evaluating when to apply DRY principles and when not to, we were able to deliver a solution that met both the client’s expectations and our own quality standards.

While the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle is important, it’s not always the best approach. Sometimes, prioritizing simplicity and clarity over code reuse leads to more maintainable code. Context, trade-offs, and the evolving nature of codebases all play roles in deciding when to apply DRY. It’s crucial to balance its benefits with practical considerations in software development.

Anna Kamińska
Anna Kamińska
Regular Software Engineer
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What our partners say about us

After carefully evaluating suppliers, we decided to try a new approach and start working with a near-shore software house. Cooperation with Hicron Software House was something different, and it turned out to be a great success that brought added value to our company.

With HICRON’s creative ideas and fresh perspective, we reached a new level of our core platform and achieved our business goals.

Many thanks for what you did so far; we are looking forward to more in future!

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Jan-Henrik Schulze
Head of Industrial Lines Development at HDI Group

Hicron is a partner who has provided excellent software development services. Their talented software engineers have a strong focus on collaboration and quality. They have helped us in achieving our goals across our cloud platforms at a good pace, without compromising on the quality of our services. Our partnership is professional and solution-focused!

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Phil Scott
Director of Software Delivery at NBS

The IT system supporting the work of retail outlets is the foundation of our business. The ability to optimize and adapt it to the needs of all entities in the PSA Group is of strategic importance and we consider it a step into the future. This project is a huge challenge: not only for us in terms of organization, but also for our partners – including Hicron – in terms of adapting the system to the needs and business models of PSA. Cooperation with Hicron consultants, taking into account their competences in the field of programming and processes specific to the automotive sector, gave us many reasons to be satisfied.


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Peter Windhöfel
IT Director At PSA Group Germany

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