
Emotional AI in Digital Marketing: the future of technologies?

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
November 13
8 min
Table of Contents

AI is driving a significant transformation in the field of digital marketing, holding the potential to revolutionize lead generation, content creation, and customer acquisition cost reduction. Additionally, it presents organizations with an innovative approach to recruiting employees and significantly amplifying their consumer base through social media platforms. However, imagine the possibilities if we were to integrate emotion recognition into AI.

The addition of emotion recognition to AI could be a game-changer for digital marketing. By analyzing facial expressions, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues, AI would have the ability to understand and interpret human emotions. This would open up a whole new world of opportunities for marketers to tailor their campaigns and content based on the emotional state of their target audience.

Consider a scenario where AI-powered algorithms can detect when someone feels happy, sad, excited, or frustrated. Marketers could leverage this information to deliver personalized messages that deeply resonate with their customers’ emotions. For instance, a travel company could showcase advertisements featuring joyful and adventurous activities to individuals who are feeling excited, while offering relaxation and stress-relief options to those who appear stressed or fatigued.

Emotion recognition AI also holds immense potential in enhancing customer service. By analyzing real-time customer emotions, businesses can promptly identify instances when someone is unhappy or dissatisfied with their experience, enabling them to take immediate action to rectify the situation. This proactive approach not only improves customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty and drives more sales.

Furthermore, integrating emotion recognition into AI can significantly impact brand perception and reputation management. By comprehending how customers feel about their brand, businesses can effectively address any negative sentiments and build stronger connections with their audience. This, in turn, leads to increased trust, positive word-of-mouth, and higher levels of brand engagement.

While acknowledging the tremendous promise of integrating emotion recognition into AI, it is crucial to consider ethical implications and prioritize data privacy. Transparency and consent should be at the forefront when collecting and analyzing personal emotions, ensuring that the well-being and privacy of customers are safeguarded.

AI is already revolutionizing digital marketing, but the incorporation of emotion recognition takes it to remarkable heights. By harnessing the power of AI to comprehend and respond to human emotions, businesses can create more personalized and impactful marketing campaigns, enhance customer service, and fortify their brand reputation.


What is Artificial Emotional Intelligence?

Many fields involve the use of artificial intelligence, and its development is constantly moving forward. The very origin of EAI technology dates back to 1995. At this moment its expansion leads to the possibility that it could be one of the key aspects in the world of digital marketing, which will simplify activities for instance at different levels of the funnel.

For a better understanding of the topic, we should mention what emotional intelligence is, perhaps it is best to refer to the words of Salovey and Mayer (Emotional Intelligence, 1990) who defined it as a “subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own emotions and others’ emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s own thinking and actions”. This concept is now a matter that is strongly connected to AI.

Expanding this topic, what is Artificial Emotional Intelligence then? AEI is the technology of computer systems capable of recognizing and responding to human emotions. It is an emerging field of artificial intelligence research that attempts to model and simulate emotions in machines, computers, and robots. What is more, AEI systems have the potential to enable machines to recognize and respond intelligently to a wide range of human emotional states. Through this, computers will soon be able to detect and recognize emotions from data such as facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, text, and even keystroke force. This revolutionary ability allows humans to interact with machines in an intuitive and natural way that is reminiscent of human-to-human interaction.


The implementation of Emotion AI

What does it look like when it comes to the usage of EAI? How is it implemented these days? First, we should think about how it started and worked in the beginning. A good example of programming the display of emotions (affective computing) is a simple toy such as Furby – everyone probably knows the toy from their childhood or at least from commercials. It reached its peak of popularity in the 1990s.

Furby was supposed to show basic emotions such as surprise, joy, or anger. The toy reacted to tone of voice and touch – here it mattered, for example, the level of pressure or the way it was touched (it was happy when you kept petting it). This is a fairly simple mechanism, but it is closely related to the AEI.

How does it look right now? How do companies and different industries use this technology? Let’s see what are the 3 main types of AEI and how they can be used:

Text analysis: EAI is revolutionizing the process of analyzing written data to determine its overall sentiment. Whether it’s a customer review, website article, or tweet– AI can quickly and accurately assess if it expresses a positive, negative, or neutral opinion.

Voice analysis: With the power of artificial intelligence, we can now detect users’ sentiments just by analyzing their speech – vocal pitch, intonation, and even the words that are used in a specific situation. This is particularly beneficial in call centers where an angry caller may not be expressing their feelings explicitly – but using our tool they will swiftly be transferred to a human operator instead of having to deal with the automated system.

Facial expression analysis: Through the use of AI-driven facial recognition technology, organizations can now gain insight into an individual’s emotions. This capability can also provide a good insight into an individual’s intentions – enabling us to detect if someone is lying or being genuine in their answers. Many companies are already adopting this approach for interviews as well as financial services applications such as loan approvals.

By monitoring online behavior, we can better understand shoppers’ needs. For example, if they move their mouse cursor quickly and rapidly it may suggest that they are in a hurry or feeling stressed – which means that it is not a good moment to present new offers. Alternatively, hovering over the ‘Buy Now’ button for some time indicates indecisiveness. This is an opportune moment to provide coupons or free shipping which could potentially turn hesitant visitors into purchasers.


Emotion AI in digital marketing

The revolution of AI emotion recognition is transforming the way marketers craft impactful advertising campaigns. By gaining insights into how their target audience emotionally responds to different elements, brands now have the ability to customize videos and maximize engagement levels with creative content, thanks to the benefits of Emotion AI.

In digital marketing, emotions play a pivotal role in decision-making and greatly influence our actions. Our emotional state is closely tied to the end results we achieve, underscoring its significant impact on success and benefits in the digital marketing landscape.

In the age of data-driven advertising, personalization and customer-centricity have become paramount for advertisers aiming to engage customers and outshine competitors. To achieve this, companies are leveraging targeted emotional marketing strategies to enhance the effectiveness of their online ads and improve consumer recall. However, simply evoking emotions through storytelling or compelling copywriting is not enough unless it is thoroughly tested. With the advent of Emotion AI, marketers can now analyze the emotional responses that specific ads elicit in their target audience, whether in the form of text, video, or images. This analytical approach empowers businesses to make data-backed decisions and ensure their marketing efforts resonate deeply with their intended audience.

By harnessing the capabilities of Emotional AI, marketers can unlock the potential to create highly tailored and emotionally resonant advertising campaigns, boosting brand engagement and driving business growth.


Chief benefits of Emotion AI in digital marketing

Emotional Artificial Intelligence is a crucial factor for successful business management. This unlocks new opportunities for customer experiences that were previously unattainable with traditional marketing efforts alone. As a result, numerous large and small-scale companies are investing heavily in this trend. What are the Emotion AI benefits in digital marketing?


#1 Getting closer to your clients
By leveraging EAI, you can create a strong connection with your client. Keep up-to-date on trends for customers and build trust through understanding their needs. By harnessing Emotion AI, businesses can unlock a whole new realm of customer experiences that surpass conventional marketing efforts. This technology enables companies to tap into the emotional nuances of their target audience, creating personalized interactions and forging deeper connections.


#2 Clients feeling empathy and understanding
Business leaders have the potential to truly understand their customers and provide them with a personalized experience thanks to emotional AI. By analyzing customer needs, organizations can offer exactly what they need at precisely the right moment.
By analyzing and interpreting customer sentiments in real-time, businesses can adapt their messaging and offerings to resonate with their audience on a profound level.


#3 Better user experience
With AI, businesses can generate results based on their target markets and customers, but with emotional intelligence-based systems, they are able to create a lasting bond between business and customer by providing an engaging experience.


#4 Optimized customer engagement and loyalty
Through the integration of Emotion AI, digital marketers can optimize customer engagement and foster long-term loyalty. By incorporating emotional intelligence into their campaigns, businesses can evoke authentic emotional responses from customers, resulting in heightened brand affinity and advocacy.


#5 Data-driven decision making
Emotion AI provides valuable insights into customer emotions and behaviors, offering businesses a wealth of data to inform their marketing strategies. By leveraging this data, organizations can make more informed decisions, refine their targeting, and deliver highly relevant and impactful messaging to their audience.


#6 Competitive advantage
Embracing Emotion AI in digital marketing gives businesses a distinct competitive advantage. By utilizing this technology to create emotionally resonant experiences, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors, captivate their audience, and drive business growth.


Emotional AI is the trend of 2024

In an ever-evolving technological world, machines are constantly expanding their capacity to comprehend and empathetically respond to human emotions. The progress made in Emotion AI has revolutionized our ability to personalize user experiences and forge stronger connections with customers. As a result, it is only a matter of time before we witness increasingly accurate demonstrations of emotional intelligence from our automated counterparts. Embracing these advancements holds the promise of transforming our interactions with technology, elevating the quality of user experiences, and nurturing deeper relationships between humans and machines.

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
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