Azure DevOps optimization is the next step in cloud development. Discover how to develop a cost-effective CI/CD with smart approach to Azure & DevOps

Shaping CI/CD Pipeline For Special Requirements With Azure Kubernetes Service & KEDA Solution

Learn about creating an efficient & cost-effective solution able to scale based on the required Azure DevOps pipeline queue. Explore our proven and tested solution. Lead DevOps Engineer authored!

Learn how to:
  • Use DevOps in Azure without burning resources with a flexible environment
  • Scale the number of Azure DevOps agents in their Azure Kubernetes Service cluster based on workload demand
  • Optimize CI/CD environments by creating an efficient solution for releasing multiple components at the same time
  • Develop Azure DevOps Architecture with AKS created, along with a Docker registry, KEDA solution & Helm chart

Get a copy!

  • Tested
  • Proven
  • Verified
  • Available on GitHub
  • Developed by Our Lead DevOps Engineer

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