
4 Core DevOps Metrics (DORA) Explained

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
February 02
10 min
Table of Contents

DevOps methodology has brought positive results to countless organizations, changing the way software is developed, tested, and deployed. According to the Atlassian survey, 99% of respondents reported that DevOps has positively impacted their organization, with 49% noting improvements in deployment frequency.

However, successful DevOps implementation is not the end of the journey; continuous monitoring is required to ensure optimal performance and efficiency, and DevOps metrics play a crucial role in this process.
This article is your ultimate guide to DevOps metrics, their importance, and potential challenges you may face.

4 Core DevOps Performance Metrics to Track

DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) or DevOps metrics are indicators used to evaluate the effectiveness of DevOps teams (operations and development).

They are a great help in identifying your software’s deployment time, stability, and areas for improvement. The purpose is to optimize organizational processes, meet end customers’ demands, and boost overall business success.

Four core DevOps metrics (DORA)

While DevOps performance is measured through various metrics, tracking those 4 key metrics of DORA is essential:

  • Change Lead Time
  • Deployment Frequency
  • Change Failure Rate
  • Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)

Let’s now discuss these metrics in detail.

Deployment Frequency

Deployment frequency is the rate at which code changes are deployed to production environments. Typically, this production environment refers to your end users who are benefitting from your services. DevOps teams try to quickly deploy new software or applications so customers benefit from new features, increasing your retention rate and customer satisfaction.

However, the deployment frequency can vary across industries, with high-performing teams deploying within a week. On the other hand, organizations with low-performing teams take anywhere from one month to six months for deployments. Let’s understand it better:

  • Low Performing Teams: One month to even six months between deployments.
  • Medium Performing Teams: One week to one month between deployments.
  • High Performing Teams: One Day to one week between software deployments.
  • Elite Performing Teams: Plenty of deployments in a day and take less than a day between deployments.

How to Calculate Deployment Frequency?

Deployment frequency can easily be calculated by dividing the total number of deployments made in a given period by the total number of days in that specific period.


For instance, if there were 20 deployments made in a month (30 days), the calculation would be:

Deployment Frequency = 20 deployments / 30 days = 0.67 deployments per day.

Tips to Improve Deployment Frequency Rate

Here are a few tips that help you improve the deployment frequency rate:

Change Lead Time

The next JIRA DORA metric is change lead time. It measures the time from when the developer team starts writing code for a new feature or change to when that change is provided to end customers.

By understanding the individual and overall stage change lead time, DevOps teams can get to know where their time is being spent the most. This enables teams to improve and speed up their deployment process, so end users can access new features as quickly as possible.

Let’s take a look at the change lead times for different teams:

  • Low Performing Teams: One month to six months of change lead time.
  • Medium Performing Teams: One week to one month of change lead time.
  • High Performing Teams: One day to one week of change lead time.
  • Elite Performing Teams: Less than one day change lead time.

How to Calculate Lead Time for Changes?

You can easily calculate the change lead time by subtracting the order request date from the order delivery date.


For instance, if your DevOps teams got a request for a software change on 2nd March and they have to submit it by 5th March, the change lead time will be:

Lead Time = 7 – 2 = 5

So, in this case, your change lead time is 5 days, which is common in high-performing teams.

Tips to Improve Change Lead Time

The following tips are helpful in improving your DevOps lead time:

  • Audit current deployment processes to find bottlenecks and focus your efforts on reducing those issues.
  • Implement workflow automation to ensure event-driven tasks are executed quickly and there’s less chance of human error.

Change Failure Rate (CFR)

Another one of the four key metrics in DevOps change is the failure rate. It’s a metric that determines the number of changes that resulted in failure after they were deployed or given to the end users. It’s measured in percentage, and as per the 2022 Accelerate State DevOps, even elite-performing teams have a change failure rate of 0% to 15%. Here’s an overview of different teams and their failure rate:

  • Low Performing Teams: 45 to 60% CFR.
  • Medium Performing Teams: 15 to 45% CFR.
  • High Performing Teams: 0 to 15% CFR.
  • Elite Performing Teams: 0 to 15% CFR.

DevOps teams always try to introduce high-quality changes in the existing software. However, incidents can happen anytime, requiring hotfixes or rollbacks. In some cases, a high CFR rate can significantly contribute to an organization’s financial and operational losses.

A recent report states that the total Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US was around $2.08 trillion in 2020. The major contributor to CPSQ is software failures, which total around $1.56 trillion. Therefore, to avoid such losses, it’s important to monitor your DevOps change failure rate and make efforts to improve it.

How to Calculate Change Failure Rate?

The change failure rate is the ratio of incidents or failures to the number of deployments.


For instance, let’s suppose your software suffered 33 failures and you did 100 deployments, your CFR will be:
CFR = 33/100 =33%

Tips to Improve Change Failure Rate

Let’s discuss a few tips that can help you improve your CFR rate:

  • Implement real-time monitoring solutions to get insights into system health.
  • Improve your testing practices to produce top-quality codes that significantly reduce the chances of failure.

Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)

The last key DevOps metric is the mean time to recovery, which is the time it takes to recover a system once it suffers a failure. Occasional hiccups and failures are unavoidable; however, your DevOps teams should be able to recover the system quickly. This reduces downtime, improves customer satisfaction, and gives your teams more time to focus on innovation.

Here’s an overview of the MTTR of different DevOps teams:

  • Low Performing Teams: One week to one month of downtime.
  • Medium Performing Teams: 24 hours or less downtime.
  • High Performing Teams: 24 hours or less downtime.
  • Elite Performing Teams: Less than an hour of downtime.

How to Calculate Mean Time to Recovery Rate?

It’s calculated by adding the time duration of each downtime and then dividing it by the number of incidents.


Let’s suppose your website faced some technical glitch and was out of service for 10 hours over the course of a month. This incident happened at least 4 times in a month, so the MTTR is given as follows:
MTTR= 10 hours/5 Times
MTTR= 2 hours per downtime

Tips to Improve MTTR

The following are some tips that improve the MTTR:

  • Employ tools to collect critical application metrics like response time, performance, and code-level traces that help you detect any service degradation, allowing you to respond promptly.
  • Use cloud-native solutions to get reports about the functionality of your cloud resources like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud accounts. This overview of your cloud inventory helps you spot potential incidents quickly so you can fix them.

Importance of Monitoring and Reliability Metrics

Reliability metrics DevOps are indicators that aid in measuring the performance of a system as well as help you figure out areas for improvement. Integrating system monitoring tools and reliability metrics in your business model is mandatory to ensure product success. The most important reliability DevOps metrics are:

  • Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR).
  • Mean Time to Detect (MTTD): It’s the time duration your team takes to detect if there’s something wrong with the system or if an incident has happened.

Software reliability or system uptime metrics are useful during product development to find out the quality and performance of software at any given time. Here are the reasons why organizations are using reliability metrics DevOps:

  • Managing workflows smoothly.
  • Identifying and fixing bugs in the system or software.
  • Integrating new codes and reducing employee workload.

Improving with Feedback Loops

Feedback loops are generally useful for describing the relationship between the deployment and operational teams. Each feedback loop consists of different phases, each connected to the other.

This connection means if there’s a change in one phase, it’ll automatically result in a change in the next phase, eventually leading back to the start and making a loop.

Let’s look at the importance of feedback loops for DevOps teams:

Bridges Gaps Between Software Function and Customer Expectations

Firstly, feedback loops are useful in bridging the gap between software function and customer expectations. How? Well, the infinity feedback loops constantly keep track of how customers engage with your software, feeding this data back to developers. This aids DevOps teams in creating solutions based and optimized on what customers want, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Achieves High-quality Projects

In both reinforcing and infinity performance feedback loops, the software moves through different phases throughout the DevOps pipeline and is constantly monitored. This advanced monitoring allows you to pinpoint issues early on and get bug reports, reducing the chances of downtime.

Project Flows in One Direction

DevOps flow moves in a linear direction even when one phase is changed into another, and this means your project will also flow and develop in one direction. This makes it easy for your DevOps teams to manage tasks, promoting collaboration and increasing overall efficiency.

Challenges in Measuring DevOps Metrics

There are various challenges that make it difficult for you to track DevOps metrics and impact overall organizational success. Some common ones in this regard are:

  • Data Silos: Difficulty in accessing and consolidating data from disparate sources within the organization, leading to incomplete or inaccurate insights into DevOps performance.
  • Metric Selection: Choosing the right metric that accurately reflects the effectiveness of DevOps practices and aligns with your business goals is challenging.
  • Tool Integration: The integration of different tools and platforms used across different stages of the DevOps pipeline to collect and analyze data can be time-consuming. Not only this, but integrative tools often have inconsistent data formats and a lack of inter-system communication that further makes it difficult to gain a holistic view of DevOps performance.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

The first thing you can do is promote cross-functional collaboration so the DevOps teams can work together closely. This allows them to share knowledge, identify issues earlier, and collectively improve DevOps processes, breaking down data silos.

Continuous Measurement Practices

There’s not one DevOps metric to measure. Instead, you’ve to measure the 4 primary metrics in DevOps, such as Mean Time to Recovery, Change Lead Time, Change Failure Rate, and Deployment Frequency, to gather information about team performance fully.

Make sure to continuously monitor these DevOps metrics throughout the software lifecycle, from production to integration and release. Why? Doing so will pinpoint areas where there are chances of incidents or failures and encourage data-driven decision-making.

Leveraging Analytics Platforms

Most of all, you should invest in high-quality analytics platforms that gather, analyze, and visualize data from various software lifecycle stages. Look for tools that have robust integration capabilities and top-notch automation features and maintain effective communication.


DevOps metrics are a great help in tracking your DevOps teams’ performance and ensuring your company is on the path to success. However, if you cannot monitor key DevOps metrics and other aspects, contact Hicron Software House. We have a team of highly qualified DevOps engineers who carefully analyze each aspect of your DevOps lifecycle, optimizing it per user feedback for an incredible customer experience. Get in touch with us today to take the efficiency of your DevOps teams to the next level!

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
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