
How to Reduce Technical Debt with DevOps?

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
January 15
9 min
Table of Contents

Businesses face multiple challenges in ensuring smooth IT operations and technical debt is one of them. This type of debt severely damages your business productivity and efficiency.

A McKinsey Digital report also states that tech debt makes up 20 to 40 percent of the value of a business’s entire technology estate. This requires you to immediately adopt strategies to mitigate technical debt effectively and take your DevOps initiatives on the road to success.

Want to know more? Let’s discuss some strategies that help you in reducing technical debt in DevOps, paving the way for top-notch efficiency.

What is Technical Debt in DevOps? Definition and Common Causes

Typically, technical debt in DevOps refers to the gap between the software quality as promised and what is delivered to end users. In DevOps, technical debt arises when development teams opt for quick, inefficient solutions over high-quality implementations.

common causes of technical debt

Common causes of technical debt include:

  • Too Short Deadlines: Businesses often impose tight deadlines on DevOps teams to stay ahead of competitors, leading to corner-cutting and technical debt.
  • Lack of Regular Refactoring: Neglecting regular code refactoring allows outdated and inefficient code to accumulate, increasing complexity and maintenance burdens.
  • Insufficient Testing: Skipping or inadequately performing tests to save time can lead to undetected bugs and vulnerabilities, contributing to technical debt.
  • Inadequate Documentation: Poor or missing documentation makes it difficult to understand the codebase, leading to mistakes and inefficient code modifications.
  • Rapid Technological Changes: Adopting new technologies without fully understanding their impact on existing systems can introduce compatibility issues and technical debt.
  • Poor Communication: Lack of communication and collaboration among team members can result in inconsistent coding practices and unaddressed technical issues.
  • Ignoring Technical Debt: Delaying the resolution of known technical debt in favor of new features can compound the problem, making it more challenging to address later.

Despite your best efforts and the methodologies you choose, technical debt is an inevitable part of software development.

Top 4 Strategies for Reducing Technical Debt

Various strategies help you reduce technical debt, such as early identification of issues and regular refactoring.

Top 4 Strategies for Reducing Technical Debt

Let’s discuss them in detail:

#1. Identification and Prioritization

First things first, you should start by identifying the technical debt in your codebase to understand its scope and impact on your projects. There are a few methods that help you in this, such as:

  • Code Reviews: Code review, also known as Peer Code review, is a practice in which one or more developers check the quality of a code created by another developer before shipping it. They analyze it for code smells or any bad coding activities like overly complex code and duplicated code to get an idea of the total technical debt.
  • Metrics Tracking: Another method that can help identify technical debt is metrics tracking. For instance, you can monitor the number of bugs your code experiences, their frequency, and the time it takes to overcome these issues.
  • User Feedback: It’s the most important and quite effective method to find technical debt in your software projects. You can track customer feedback and any complaints they have regarding crashes or slow load times. This will give you an idea of the quality of your code and if it needs any changes.

In addition to these methods, you can also employ technical debt ratios and tools like SonarQube and Coverity Track to determine the quality of your codes.

Once you’ve identified the issues in the code, you must categorize them into high-priority and low-priority categories. Make sure to tackle the high-priority issues first to ensure the code works smoothly and leads to a positive user experience.

#2. Continuous Improvement

Regular review and continuous improvement are necessary to ensure your code works efficiently without any technical debt. For instance, you should clearly define high-quality codes, including the coding standards, design and development, and performance criteria.

You should also organize regular meetings with all stakeholders and DevOps teams so everyone understands expectations and goals perfectly.

Once everything is clear, encourage your team to take small steps to refine and optimize the codebase continuously. This incremental handling and improvement of technical debt eliminates the risk of accumulation.

#3. Refactoring

Another strategy that aids you in reducing technical debt is refactoring. Generally, refactoring means restructuring the codebase without making any changes to its exterior functionality. Regularly refactoring provides you with plenty of benefits, such as increasing the readability of code, efficient bug fixing, and, of course, no technical debt.

There are different times to refactor a code given as:

Before Deployment: You should first refactor the code before deployment to ensure that the code is clean, efficient, and maintainable before it goes live. This significantly reduces the risk of technical debt in your DevOps projects and makes future updates easier to implement.

After Deployment: It’s important to refactor the code after deployment to eradicate any inefficiencies not apparent during development. This will result in better code stability and performance in the production environment.

When Adding New Features: Before adding new features or bug fixes, you must refactor the whole codebase. This gives you an idea of whether the existing infrastructure is capable of handling new updates without accumulating technical debt.

Don’t forget to test the code thoroughly after refactoring to ensure it is clean and efficient so there’s no chance of any future problems!

#4. Documentation

Developers should properly document the technical debt to get an idea of the codebase. For instance, you can create a document listing all known technical debt items, their causes, and potential solutions.

This helps maintain and debug the code by providing clear insights into existing issues. But that’s not all.

Proper documentation also plays a critical role in helping new developers get on board quickly and understand the issues at hand, reducing the accumulation of technical debt.

5 DevOps Practices for Managing Technical Debt

Some DevOps practices that help you manage technical debt smoothly include promoting communication and collaboration among team members and introducing CI/CD in the development phase.

Here’s a detailed overview of these DevOps practices:

#1. Collaboration and Communication

Communication and collaboration are key to enabling DevOps teams to collaborate on tasks, identify issues, and reduce overall technical debt. Therefore, you should create effective communication channels like team chat platforms, project management tools, and regular stand-up meetings.

This breaks down silos and creates a culture of transparency and teamwork. In addition, it ensures that all team members have a shared responsibility for the codebase and technical debt. Hence, it leads to more proactive identification and resolution of issues.

#2. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

Another practice is to opt for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Continuous integration involves integrating code changes from multiple developers into one single codebase, while continuous delivery involves using automation to speed up the deployment of code to a production environment.

Together, CI and CD ensure that changes to a codebase are rigorously tested and automatically employed. This results in less risk of code integration issues, which ultimately means you’ll come across little to no debt accumulation.

#3. Automation

When developers do most of the tasks like testing, configuration, and deployment manually, they may make errors that translate to increased technical debt. Therefore, another thing you should do is automate most of the software development tasks.

Automation reduces human error, ensures consistency, and speeds up processes. For instance, you can implement automated testing in the DevOps pipeline to enhance the reliability and quality of your code. This lessens technical debt and improves your organizational efficiency.

#4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Many DevOps teams are unaware of this, but Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is also an incredible practice that helps mitigate and address technical debt. IaC is the management of your IT infrastructure using automatic code scripts instead of manual work.

It frees you from the hassle of building code changes from scratch, and you can simply reuse and modify existing scripts. Moreover, the version control in IaC enables tracking code changes and rolling back to previous versions if needed. This ensures consistency and reduces errors and discrepancies in different environments. See the case study.

#5. Monitoring and Observability

Most times, your code fails, and you become a victim of technical debt due to a lack of DevOps monitoring and observability. Therefore, you should keep track of some key metrics like deployment frequency and deployment failure rate. This gives you an overview of what’s happening in your IT systems and applications, helping you identify any bottlenecks before they escalate into larger issues and improving system efficiency.

How to Prevent Technical Debt?

To save your business from resource exhaustion, you should make adequate efforts to prevent technical debt.

How to Prevent Technical Debt? 4 moves to secure software development

This involves proper planning and the usage of the right tools. Let’s discuss some tips in this regard:

  • Set Clear Code Standards: First, establish clear coding standards and document them properly. Outline the style requirement and provide the DevOps teams with documented instructions to ensure everyone adheres to consistent practice. This significantly reduces the likelihood of introducing technical debt through inconsistent or suboptimal coding practices.
  • Prioritize Code Quality: One thing that your DevOps team should do to prevent technical debt is prioritize code quality. For instance, they should conduct regular code reviews before merging or shipping them to the production environment. In addition, they must also leverage automated processes, such as unit testing and end-to-end, to ensure that the code is of the highest standard and has no bugs.
  • Plan for the Future: You should make your coding infrastructure future-proof. This means it should be designed to easily handle increased load or additional features in the future without any complex rewrites. You can make it modular or flexible so the code is broken down into manageable parts, reducing the possibility of technical debts.

Other than these tips, you should invest in project management tools like Jira and Trello to synchronize the efforts of your DevOps teams for better efficiency. You must also use issue tracker tools, including SonarGraph and Klocwork.

These tools can help analyze your codes with great precision and flag errors that may occur during testing. You can then take immediate steps to eradicate them, eliminating any chances of technical debt issues.


If you don’t handle the technical debt on time, it can put your business under immense pressure. You’ll have dissatisfied customers leaving negative reviews that will impact your hard-earned reputation. But not anymore. Hicron Software House takes all your coding-related issues away. We have a team of DevOps experts who work diligently to build and deploy new codes for you. Our ultimate focus is to perform rigorous testing on all codes to make them bug-free and help reduce technical debt. Get in touch with us today to improve code quality, and eliminate technical debt so you continue to deliver better software solutions.

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
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