
What is DevOps? DevOps Methodology and Process Explained

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
January 29
10 min
Table of Contents

The business world is experiencing rapid growth, with companies striving to stay ahead of each other. In such a competitive environment, having your operational and development teams working in silos can lead to inefficiencies, hampering your ability to deliver high-quality software or products.

However, there’s no need to stress about this challenge. The DevOps methodology stands out as the best solution in this regard. It focuses on improving business operations and reducing downtime, which is why many companies are adopting DevOps.

Let’s discuss what DevOps is in detail, along with its key principles and benefits.

What is DevOps?

The term DevOps combines development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams. The purpose of this merger is to combine these two critical spheres of the business and bring them under unified leadership. It helps shorten the overall product lifecycle while also equipping the DevOps teams to deliver new features and fixes to the end users frequently.

What is DevOps?Explained

Key Goals of DevOps

The key goals of DevOps involve faster development of software and other IT solutions without compromising on quality. Here’s an overview of where DevOps can help

  • Faster Development: First, DevOps aims to accelerate the whole product development process by enabling smooth communication and collaboration between the development and operations teams. It integrates various important things, like automation and a continuous feedback loop, that ensure the software idea is turned into a reality within a minimum of time.
  • High-Quality Products: DevOps helps significantly enhance product quality, as it incorporates rigorous testing and practices like Continuous Integration. These practices help in the early detection of issues so the final software works smoothly without any hiccups.
  • Quick Releases: The usage of automation and Continuous Delivery allows organizations to release updates and new features more frequently. This provides you with the chance to respond to market demands swiftly and stay ahead of the competition.

Principles of DevOps

There are a few key principles of DevOps that make up the basis of the whole process. These include smooth collaboration, automation, continuous delivery, and communication. Here’s a detailed explanation of each point:

  • Collaboration & Shared Responsibility

This is the most important principle of DevOps. DevOps work to break down traditional silos between teams and replace them with an engaging and collaborative workspace environment.

  • Automation & Continuous Integration/Delivery (CI/CD)

Automation in the form of Continuous Delivery and Continuous Integration is also important in DevOps. Codes must be deployed quickly into production, and each integration must be error-free. This lessens manual errors and speeds up the whole software delivery process.

  • Communication & Feedback Loops

Communication is key, and its role is undeniable for your entire development and operations teams. Teams are encouraged to present their ideas and ask questions related to any issues. Continuous feedback is also given to make timely changes in the products, and in case of a failure, there’s a sense of shared responsibility and no finger-pointing.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code provides infrastructure via codes instead of traditional manual scripts. It’s critical in DevOps and allows you to create consistent and repeatable configurations, reducing the risk of discrepancies in the application development, testing, and overall DevOps environment, and helping businesses scale quickly.

DevOps Process

The DevOps approach isn’t a one-step process; it involves a series of steps that vary from planning to testing and deployment. Let’s discuss the stages of the DevOps methodology in detail:

  • Plan: The plan phase purely involves laying out the framework for the software solution and its coding. You set goals and outline takes along with clear deadlines. In some instances, it’s at this stage that you decide the tools and technologies you are going to adopt throughout the DevOps pipeline.
  • Code: In coding, developers build the codes and leverage various version control tools to ensure the high quality of the code.
  • Build: The developer runs various automated tests on the code to detect issues early on. If the code fails in the build stage, the relevant developer is alerted. However, if it’s error-free, you should share the code with other team members by integrating the code with a shared repository codebase.
  • Test: The test stage is where the final code again undergoes rigorous testing to check its integrity further. In this, both manual and automated tests are run on the code that validates the quality and reliability of the software.
  • Release: This requires a thumbs-up from the operations team. Once approved, the code goes to a staging environment that mirrors a production environment. The purpose of this step is to test the final product before it’s released to the end users.
  • Deploy: Deployment is when the code or application enters the production environment. It can be automated to minimize downtime and give users quick access to the software solutions.
  • Operate: In this stage, DevOps teams focus on managing and maintaining software in the production environment and how users interact with it.
  • Monitor: The monitor stage, as the name suggests, involves DevOps teams tracking data and key metrics to identify the software’s performance and monitor any anomalies.

DevOps Methodology

The many DevOps or software development methodologies range from Agile to Lean and ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). Let’s discuss them in detail and how to integrate these with your DevOps strategy:


The Agile DevOps methodology has its roots in the software industry. This term was first coined in 2001 and has four fundamental principles:

  • Interactions over tools and processes
  • Working software over detailed documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Respond to change with a plan

However, in literal terms, agile methodology refers to a project management approach in which a project is broken down into small parts for continuous improvement. These small and manageable chunks are called sprints and align well with DevOps principles of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. Agile practices help in the rapid delivery of incremental changes that keep end users happy.


Lean is another DevOps methodology which is an evolution of the Toyota Production System that a Japanese automaker implemented during World War II to improve overall efficiency.

Typically, Lean involves working on optimizing production by visualizing and distributing work in a way that is sustainable and valuable. It reduces waste and ensures efficient usage of available resources. The Lean Enterprise Institute states:

“Simply put, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources.”

Integrating this methodology in DevOps allows for efficient operations, eliminating waste, reducing lead times, and boosting overall productivity.


ITIL, or Information Technology Infrastructure Library, is another DevOps methodology. It’s a framework for different IT activities to meet business goals. Integrating ITIL with DevOps results in a symbiotic relationship that allows DevOps teams to capitalize on the best of both platforms. They enjoy benefits like standardized processes, maintaining compliance, and achieving high service quality.

What Tools and Technologies are Used in DevOps?

Now that you are aware of what DevOps mean and DevOps methodology options, here are the key DevOps tools and technologies to use:

  • Jenkins
  • Kubernetes
  • Jira

Let’s discuss these in detail.


Jenkins is an incredible open-source Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery tool that streamlines most of your business tasks. It was first developed in 2004 by Kohsuke Kawaguchi and is written in Java language. It automates and speeds up the software deployment process.

As developers commit code to the shared repository, Jenkins checks it for errors. In case of a failed build, this tool notifies the developer for a quick fix. The best part? It can be easily installed on Windows, Mac, and Unix operating systems, catering to a diverse user base.


Kubernetes is another open-source DevOps tool that automates the deployment and management of containerized applications. It allows you to make changes to your application or its configuration during different phases of the DevOps lifecycle. In addition, it monitors the health of your applications with automated rollouts and rollbacks to ensure smooth updates.

This tool provides each set of pods with its own unique IP addresses to facilitate easy load balancing. What truly sets this tool apart from many others is its self-healing capabilities, which pave the way for smooth application operation and automatically fix any issue that may arise.


Jira is a great DevOps tool that was built in 2002 as part of Atlassian tools. It’s a good help in planning and monitoring your DevOps projects. You can also use it to create different dependencies.

There’s a drag-and-drop feature that enables you to change the dates for tasks per the business requirements. It’s an open-source DevOps toolchain featuring a backlog that enables project managers to highlight the complexity of each task.

What Are the Benefits of DevOps?

The benefits of DevOps are manifold, including quick software delivery and improved collaboration between the development and operations teams. Let’s discuss these benefits in detail:

  • Improved Collaboration: One of the common benefits of DevOps include that it promotes a culture of collaboration between development and operation teams, breaking down silos. This results in an engaging discussion environment so everyone on a DevOps team is on the same page and participates in a joint effort to solve problems for efficient workflows.
  • Reliable Solutions: The presence of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in the DevOps pipeline regularly tests and improves code changes to ensure stable and reliable software releases.
  • Reduced Costs: You can also use the DevOps methodology to automate many repetitive tasks and enable optimal resource allocation. This reduces manual errors and downtime, translating to significant cost savings.

Challenges of DevOps Methodology

The challenges of the DevOps methodology include a complex business environment and high system costs, which are hurdles to its success.

  • Complex Business Environment: Implementing a DevOps methodology requires various tools and technologies that create a complex business environment. Aligning your teams and managing this intricate infrastructure can be a hassle for business.
  • Increased Costs: DevOps leads to long-term cost savings; however, the initial cost to set up the whole DevOps methodology can be high. This may include the cost of new tools, training the staff, and restructuring current workflows.
  • Lack of Standardization: DevOps methodology isn’t a standardized process. Different teams adopt different tools for their tasks, which can result in complications and confusion.

Best Practices of DevOps

To make sure your DevOps culture is the ultimate success, here are a few best practices you should follow:

  • Start Small

Moving away from traditional silos requires careful planning and proper trust. Therefore, instead of rushing to adopt the DevOps methodology, you should start small. For instance, you should first experiment with DevOps for a small project to let your team learn DevOps philosophy and make adjustments without putting additional pressure on your organization. Once your team is well-adapted and you’ve gained the trust of all stakeholders, you can expand DevOps adoption.

  • Automate Everything

Automation is important in DevOps. Therefore, you should automate most repetitive tasks like testing, deployment, and monitoring of software to reduce errors and free your team’s time for strategic work.

  • Focus on Continuous Testing

Don’t forget to implement DevOps practices like continuous testing at each stage of the DevOps lifecycle to ensure code changes are automatically tested. This enhances the efficiency of your software while minimizing chances of downtime.

  • Put Customer Satisfaction at the Top

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. That’s why you should always prioritize customer satisfaction. For this, you should establish feedback loops to understand customer needs and preferences. You should also collect information about where customers face issues and implement this feedback in your software development lifecycle. This will make it easy for you to meet and exceed customer expectations, which is necessary for business success.


It has become essential to adopt the DevOps methodology to take your business on the road to success. DevOps increases the efficiency of your software development and deployment pipeline and meets customer expectations.

Wondering which company to choose as your DevOps partner? Hicron Software House is the answer. We have skilled DevOps engineers who take care of your applications from design to deployment and even maintenance. Our experts leverage advanced security tools to guarantee the safety of your software solutions. So why wait? Contact us today and bid farewell to downtime and an inefficient software development process.

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
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