
Industry Cloud Platforms: How will they revolutionize the business?

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
March 01
17 min
Table of Contents

Industry cloud platforms are transforming traditional clouds into powerful business tools. With industry cloud platforms, organizations have access to technological solutions that go beyond traditional offerings. These specialized services address vertical-specific challenges with agility and innovation. Companies gain insight that can boost performance while accelerating adaptability to the ever-changing market and are empowered to make use of their existing tech innovations.

Explore the topic of industry clouds and what benefits they bring!


What are industry cloud platforms?

Industry clouds are the ideal way to unlock customized solutions and accelerate transformation for any organization. They are designed for a specific industry. What is more, offer a unique combination of cloud services, applications, and tools that allow organizations to tailor their digital transformation. Levering gives the company an opportunity to gain a competitive edge and propel itself into opportunities that had previously been out of reach.

A variety of industries can benefit from cloud technology, including retail and healthcare providers, as well as governments and financial services organizations. By leveraging virtual tools, you can not only save time but explore opportunities such as machine learning and deep learning creations.


Why did industry cloud platforms emerge?

According to the Gartner survey, despite the traditional resistance to cloud adoption, a strong majority of North American and European-based enterprises are jumping on board with industry cloud platforms – 40% have already adopted them while another 30% plan to do so in the near future. This trend underlines how essential it is for businesses today and how much it will be.

It is expected that in 2027 enterprises will rapidly leverage industry cloud platforms to propel their critical business initiatives forward and it will be more than 50% of usage, whereas it was less than 10% in 2021.

Learn why Fortune 500 companies bet on Azure cloud!


How industry cloud platform work?

Industry cloud platforms are a rapidly growing trend revolutionizing how businesses operate. By providing tailored, industry-specific solutions they are attracting more than just the traditional early adopters of cloud technology and driving rapid adoption across all sectors.

To stay competitive, enterprises must have the capability to rapidly adapt their industrial processes and applications. Composability is an essential factor that allows for enhanced performance as well as greater flexibility when responding to changes in market conditions. This approach is used to create reliable cloud platforms specifically tailored to industries’ needs.

Industry cloud platforms enable powerful synergies, creating ecosystems where multiple independent software vendors and system integrators can collaborate to deliver valuable value-added services through marketplaces.


The potential of industry cloud platforms

Industry cloud platforms provide the perfect solution for businesses seeking to maximize their efficiency and performance. Combining tailored software solutions with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers an optimized approach. It can be finely tuned to any specific industries’ individual needs – ensuring maximum effectiveness.

Industry cloud platforms are bundles specifically tailored for businesses looking to take their operations and management processes to the next level. By combining applications into a single, cohesive platform, companies can achieve greater heights of success by addressing individual sector needs quickly and effectively. Every industry cloud platform is made to maximize its potential, offering the perfect blend of specialized services combined into one intuitive system.

Industry clouds are revolutionizing traditional businesses, offering greater potential for customers and public cloud providers alike. Many companies are facing a difficult dilemma when it comes to migrating their legacy or sector-specific applications to public clouds. Attempting such a transition without optimization runs the risk of substandard performance.

Moderation is expensive and time-consuming but industry cloud solutions offer an alternative pathway that can fast-track these migrations with less financial exposure.

Read about cloud migration challenges companies need to know!

To maximize the potential of industry clouds, they must evolve into ecosystem-oriented platforms. Through these ecosystems, businesses can capitalize on shared processes including procurement, distribution, and payment procession.


Service models for industrial cloud computing

Cloud computing is transforming the way businesses access software, hardware, and others. There are three distinct models that provide solutions for various needs: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Each model offers different levels of control to users depending on their objectives.


Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS provides customers with a simple and cost-effective way to access the latest technologies, giving you complete control over your virtualized data center. By leveraging IaaS solutions you can quickly scale up or down computing resources as needed – freeing organizations from complex onsite infrastructure management while benefitting from easy access via the internet.


Platform as a Service

PaaS allows you to create, host, and deploy applications without the need for configuration of the hardware or virtualization layers. It provides users with an intuitive way to create and deploy applications fast, saving time and money.


Software as a Service

SaaS provides convenience and control for businesses. The provider handles all aspects of software delivery, from infrastructure to virtualization and more, while customers focus on leveraging the user-friendly client layer. CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) create an effortless way for companies to access powerful applications in a cloud setting without difficulties or complications.


Asset-intensive industries have many cloud computing service models to choose from based on their corporate objectives, staff capacity, and requirements. Take for instance a multinational manufacturing firm that can take advantage of workflow automatization supplemented by Software as a Service, Platform as a Service operating systems for data collection, analysis with Industrial Internet of Things technology at multiple sites or Infrastructure as a Service if they want control over proprietary versions of these tools.


Why are industry cloud platforms worth using?

Industry clouds are the future for digital solutions, enabling businesses to continuously evolve and modernize. The industry will not stagnate, and industrial cloud platforms guarantee that the company will not be left behind and the cloud will meet all expectations. You won’t have to build an environment all over again and wonder if everything is tailored for the industry. Even after some time, the industry cloud will keep up with any changes.

With each layer of tech capabilities added on top of a secure digital core, companies can innovate one use case at a time with larger goals firmly in sight.

Enterprise-level software engineering is the driving force behind business success, allowing organizations to provide innovative solutions and achieve growth objectives. The capabilities of industry cloud technology unlock potential for businesses today, with ongoing dividends into the future.


The supremacy of industry clouds over public clouds

Organizations and companies that remain dependent on legacy systems could be missing out on the incredible opportunities available in today’s efficiency-driven economy. By avoiding general-purpose cloud solutions, they’re not taking advantage of effective industry tools which can help them reach their maximum potential.

Companies must contend with the delicate balance of meeting their requirements, staying compliant, and protecting content privacy – making it difficult to turn to conventional cloud services. Thankfully industry clouds offer a tailored solution that helps businesses.


Compliance regulations

Organizations are in a need of secure solutions to comply with industry regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that healthcare organizations must meet). General cloud services can’t always satisfy needs like this, resulting in companies relying on legacy systems rather than the cloud. Industry cloud platforms deliver comprehensive tools for governing information flow and compliance adherence across sectors like life science and healthcare. These features give businesses assurance when accessing documents or collaborating, by providing protection from unauthorized access while also meeting specific regulatory requirements.


Handling of sensitive information

Businesses need to safeguard their sensitive data from hackers, competitors, and other malicious parties. To ensure the utmost protection of confidential customers or organizational information such as financial records and Social Security numbers, industry clouds provide access restrictions, threat detection measures, security controls, and compliance monitoring that are not available through general cloud services.


Security concerns

As cybercrime continues to create a major threat for businesses across industries, organizations are looking for reliable ways to protect their content. To meet this demand, industry clouds provide sophisticated security measures such as powerful file encryption and password controls that ensure only authorized personnel can access sensitive data. Through integration with other applications in the company’s toolset, companies gain full control over safeguarding valuable information.


Privacy concerns

As companies across multiple industries grapple with data privacy regulations, industry clouds offer specialized solutions to support their compliance. With enterprise-grade tools such as access controls and identity management capabilities, organizations can affordably protect critical information from unauthorized users in accordance with legal requirements. Advanced security options like suspicious user alerts also provide a comprehensive solution.


Advantages of industry cloud platforms

Cloud computing is the go-to solution for businesses aiming to stay ahead of digital trends and norms. With its advantages, this powerful tool can assist not just big companies but anyone – from simple database management right through to complex machine intelligence applications. So, what are the advantages?


#1 Business-driven setup

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, vertical cloud platforms are being recognized as powerful tools for businesses to take advantage of and achieve success in their respective industries. With tools that are tailored and relevant, these unique solutions provide a wealth of specialized data sets accessible at all times. The ability these systems offer to leverage relevant data sets is leading many entrepreneurs and managers toward long-term success as they come into focus on an international scale.


#2 Better resource management

Industry cloud solutions are tailored to fit each and every customer’s individual business needs. This eliminates the need for IT personnel to spend precious time customizing, allowing them instead to focus on improving the customer experience, while leveraging innovative opportunities that will enable them to stay at their competitive best within their market.


#3 Commitment to compliance

For many companies, the cloud’s potential has been hindered by compliance concerns. Industry clouds allow companies to break away from outdated infrastructures and take advantage of digital transformation without risking their important certification status.


#4 Composable

Through meticulous engineering efforts, cloud-based platforms are becoming increasingly adaptable to the unique needs of businesses across industries. Companies now have access to modular and adjustable software collections that can be tailored into bespoke solutions for each industry’s distinct requirements. This composability allows companies to access technology specifically tailored toward different scenarios.


#5 Enhanced agility

Rather than undertaking a lengthy vendor discrepancy process, organizations are able to gain instant access from experienced providers that specialize in the specific needs of their industries with the convenience of plug-and-play integrations.


#6 Industry-specific expanding services

The industry cloud platform sector is rapidly expanding, with a wide-ranging array of new niche applications and vendors set to emerge. These specialized technologies range from CRM tools to ERP software and will be flexible enough for individual verticals. The number of solutions available not only creates greater choices but also bolsters the overall ecosystem within this field – making it stronger than ever before.


Industry cloud platforms – more benefits on the way

Industry cloud platforms provide a wide array of possibilities for transformations, however, they are still in the early stages.

Gartner has recognized this potential and predicted that within five to ten years industry clouds will be commonplace across many industries worldwide.

The digital landscape is changing- competition for industry clouds will explode over the years. With industry clouds emerging as the latest IT trend, there is fierce competition arising from a variety of sources – from hyper-scale cloud providers to enterprise resource planning vendors and global integrators. Each has its own set of distinct products and services. In fact, with the competition for industry cloud solutions heating up, top vendors are being pushed to deliver ever more comprehensive and integrated services.

Read how to choose the right vendor for your company!

Enterprises that leverage the potential of industry clouds can unlock new possibilities, from shared processes such as procurement to payment processing. This will take them one step further in their digital transformation journey and enable true collaboration with other organizations through an ecosystem cloud platform model.

Industry clouds can also be overwhelming, given the wide breadth of functionality they cover. Customers and providers must therefore be disciplined and not burn resources on fixing or replacing what is not broken. Implementing an industry cloud platform must be approached as adding an exoskeleton that brings new and improved capabilities, rather than an organ transplant that replaces functions that were already present.

On the other hand, industry clouds can offer a wealth of services, making it difficult to decide how best to use the available resources. To effectively utilize an industry cloud platform and maximize its potential benefits, customers must consider the technology as more than just a replacement. It should be treated more like an added value that will enhance their existing system’s performance.


What should you consider before adopting the industry cloud?

Achieving success in business means meeting the challenges faced by ever-evolving industries. If you want to stay ahead of your competition, exploring cloud solutions tailored to specific industry needs is a great place to start.


#1 Ownership boundaries

Identifying ownership boundaries is vital to maximizing efficiency and effectiveness. Responsibilities should be divided into three distinct areas – end user, administrator, and cloud provider – so each party can clearly manage their respective tasks within the application framework.


#2 Shifting roles

As organizations move their data centers to the cloud, administrators must be prepared for a shift in roles. They will still have the responsibility of monitoring and reporting functions that ensure compliance with industry regulations – but now from an off-site location.


#3 Negotiate solutions

To ensure your cloud platform provides the desired value, make sure to include a clause allowing you an alternative solution in case the current one is not beneficial. Don’t get stuck on any single provider; explore your options and always have another plan.


#4 Consult regulations

Industry clouds make it easy to navigate the often complicated regulation landscape, but taking the time to understand all of your industry’s requirements is key. To fully understand the regulatory requirements in your sector, consult regulators who can provide valuable insight into successful outcomes.


#5 Learn what third parties think

To make the best decision for your organization’s cloud platform, get outside opinions from knowledgeable experts. Talk to partners and industry analysts who have experience with different vertical cloud platforms—their insights can help ensure you choose one that suits your specific needs.


Industry Cloud Solutions for different industries

In today’s digital world, the possibilities for industry cloud solutions abound. Tapping into a vertical cloud solution can be an effective way to create meaningful change and tackle challenges within your business or organization – no matter what field you are in.


Financial services

Financial services clients seek a secure and effortless digital environment to access their accounts. The good news is that modern tools, workflows, and content-sharing protocols can help ensure your client’s financial data is secured thanks to industry cloud platforms. This interactive digital environment offers improved collaboration across workflows, allowing teams to easily share documents, get signatures from clients quickly, and edit content seamlessly in the cloud – all within an intuitive experience designed for better communication between advisors and organizations.

Through industry clouds, new clients can now be onboarded quickly no matter the location or device used – enabling streamlined document editing and task assignment processes in a digital setting.



Healthcare professionals are empowered with powerful collaboration tools that facilitate regulatory compliance, and robust security. Providers and patients alike can use advanced collaboration technology to safely share content, gain the access to second opinions management, and provide educational resources from anywhere. Administrators, researchers, and providers benefit from faster access to health records through centralized document uploads, enabling better care coordination across teams. This ultimately leads to more efficient delivery of high-impact care with maximum quality assurance.

Healthcare organizations need more than just digital tools; they require secure, compliant solutions that ensure patient data remains safe from unauthorized access. A cloud-based solution for the healthcare industry provides complete security and protection of sensitive health information – from encryption at rest and in transit to audit trails providing insight into content use. What is more, highly restricted user controls are also included to maintain compliance with regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).



Retail companies need to stay ahead of the competition and create memorable experiences for their consumers. The answer? Cloud solutions provide efficient content collaboration tools, it can optimize content management from ad design to product specs, creating secure environments that enable faster productivity and propel businesses into the future.

Retail businesses can reap the rewards of a streamlined content-sharing experience that connects vendors, team members, and contractors. Streamline processes related to launching products through an industry cloud with features tailored for such tasks as creative production, editing, and approval cycles – all accessible from any location. Greater collaboration leads to faster onboarding times as well as better quality control and productivity.


Professional services

Professional services require a strong, collaborative bond between industry experts and clients to ensure success. By leveraging technology’s capabilities, professionals can focus on delivering top-notch service while also connecting with clients for problem-solving.

Professional services companies can unlock their productivity potential with an industry cloud that provides secure, centralized access to essential content from any authorized user. It also enables users to maximize efficiency without compromising security.



In an increasingly digital world, collaboration and streamlined access to information is essential for educational success. Connecting students with faculty, administrators, and businesses opens pathways of opportunities that can bolster the growth of institutions while enriching student experiences. By optimizing processes from research to funding and even lifecycle management, educators have a wealth of resources available at their fingertips.

With an industry cloud, your institution can gain total control over its digital learning content and remain compliant with policies and data privacy regulations. By eliminating duplication of resources across other tools through integration – along with features such as remote logout.

Imagine the possibilities of a digital campus, where minds from across university/school collaborate on research projects and classroom presentations with ease. An industry cloud makes this dream become reality; it allows faculty, researchers, and staff to access data quickly while still protecting intellectual property through controlled user access anytime, anywhere.


Difference between commercial and industrial cloud

Using commercial cloud solutions (horizontally oriented) can broaden the reach of a business, opening up new possibilities with features built to transcend industries. However, these powers come at a price; businesses must configure the service and ensure it meets their industry’s standards before launching into action. Vertical industrial clouds and horizontal commercial ones can be distinguished by their distinct deployment approaches.

Manufacturers are utilizing commercial clouds to not only store customer information, but also analyze behavioral patterns in order to provide more personalized service offerings – allowing it to tackle tasks beyond storage functions. The industrial cloud is tailored to meet the needs of a specific industry, empowering it to store equipment data and streamline interconnectivity between connected devices. By leveraging its vertical nature, manufacturers can benefit from powerful capabilities that extend beyond core competencies for increased efficiency in their operations.

Industrial clouds offer powerful capabilities such as data management and task scheduling, allowing manufacturers to elevate their operations through a smart “data-driven plant performance optimization” approach. These features enable cloud algorithms to selectively send information and create optimized production schedules, streamlining the entire manufacturing process with data intelligence.

For heavy-duty tasks such as those found in manufacturing, commercial cloud solutions are often a failure. To keep their businesses running smoothly and effectively, companies may need to invest considerable effort into configuring their environments in order to incorporate these capabilities.

Both commercial and industrial clouds offer excellent scalability. Businesses seeking to maximize performance while minimizing costs will find a clear advantage in selecting an industrial cloud.


Industry Clouds are the future for stable growth

Industrial cloud solutions are the top choice for fully embracing Industry 4.0, due to integrated protocols such as OPC UA over TSN and seamless data transfer from smart edge devices. While a commercial solution can still work with signals from advanced technologies, however, it requires extra effort in order to meet industry-specific requirements.

Industries 4.0 models are the future of industrial manufacturing and the associated cloud solutions have been designed to meet these needs for longevity in an ever-changing environment. With open-source options available, users can look forward to continuous updates that will enhance their IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and data analytics experience as technology advances.

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
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