
Is Angular good for large applications?

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
September 06
12 min
Table of Contents

As we already know, new technologies are being created every day. Some come and go, while others, due to hard work, evolve and become better and better. Angular is such a technology. Its universality is the reason why its popularity has grown significantly in recent years, and it is used by large companies itself. Angular is a framework loved by developers and desired by future employers. Technology has gained a crowd of fans at the speed of light and hasn’t gone unnoticed in the IT world. Why did it start to shine so quickly? What makes Angular so special? Find out by reading this article.

Angular application development: What is Angular?

Angular is a free framework created and supported by Google. It is a typical open-source technology, which by itself provides everything you need for application development. Angular gives a good entry point for development by implemented architecture. A big plus is the separation of individual files – html structure separately, styles separately, and it gives this impression of “orderliness”.

Angular is a complex framework with a vast range of use. It’s typically implemented as a front-end solution to grant structure and reusability throughout the application. It’s based on a combination of TypeScript, SCSS and HTML.

Check out the case study in which the use of Angular
provided significant value for quality control!


What is Angular used for?

Angular is used for creating for example SPA, which means Single Page Application. SPAs are pages that are dynamically loaded in browsers, that is, they are not “pulled” from the server when you go to sub-pages. Before Angular became popular, creating SPAs was very complicated and time-consuming, yet its architecture has enabled better performance and reduced programming effort.

Likewise, Angular application development is very versatile, which helps with the implementation of interactive websites, desktop and mobile applications (Android and iOS).


How popular is Angular?

By far, Angular is one of the most often used platforms for application development. In fact, implying the results of a 2019 survey on StackOverflow, as many as 32.4% of pro developers chose this technology – it is a good result. The framework itself was first presented in 2014, and its final version was approved and announced in May 2016. Initially, it was intended to be a successor to 2009’s AngularJS, but due to a lack of compatibility, it became a separate platform called Angular 2.

Angular has taken the best from its predecessor, AngularJS. It implemented missing features while containing some parts of its predecessor which stood the test of time

Who uses Angular?

Angular is successfully implemented by the industry-leading companies fulfilling their customers’ often unique and demanding needs. It is used so eagerly because of its super speed. Angular on its own is found in the financial, medical, entertainment, as well as educational industries. So who is using Angular? Let’s find out!


  • Google – obviously, the developer used the framework first. It has been used to build many powerful platforms such as Google Store, Google Ads, and Google Cloud.
  • Apple – this company rather prefers to use its own creations but doesn’t ignore the products of other developers either.
  • Microsoft – the .NET developers use Angular for Microfost Office users as interactive support, and for applications such as Microsoft Flow and FindTime.
  • WIX – thanks to Angular, this huge CMS platform has built support for its users.
  • McDonald’s – used Angular to partially build desktop and mobile versions of its website.
  • Adobe – they built support for their product users based on the Angular framework.


Other popular websites and apps using Angular:

  • HBO
  • Genius
  • Gmail
  • Virgin Mobile
  • Udacity
  • Forbes
  • PayPal
  • ProtonMail

Advantages of Angular

Angular has many advantages, which is why it is very popular among developers. In addition to its universality, it also has a clear structure. What are the other advantages of this framework and why should you use Angular for application development?

  • Widely known front-end languages and tools: You need to know languages such as TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to work in Angular.
  • Default toolkit: This eliminates the need to create all the necessary pieces from scratch, which saves time on project implementation and also significantly reduces costs.
  • Support for software developers: In addition to developer support, it simplifies unit and end-to-end testing. It brings you the opportunity to take advantage of Angular’s extensive user community, allowing even a beginner developer to find answers to important questions.
  • TypeScript construction: It makes it easier to maintain the code, making it much faster to catch errors and debug. It allows access to a greater range of capabilities as opposed to typical JavaScript technologies. An additional advantage is the ability to perform optimization using OOPS concepts.
  • Modularity: Division into modules makes project management much easier. You can designate smaller elements of the application without any problems.
  • Angular Developer: You have features such as type-checking, Angular CLI, lambda and ES6 operators, iterators, or TypeScript at your disposal.

Check out the case study in which Angular made
a premium audience satisfied!

Disadvantages of Angular

It is well known that every technology has its flaws. Angular has several of them, but in our opinion, they are not that bad. Let’s look at them, shall we?

  • Limited SEO: Angular has quite limited SEO options, and thus poor accessibility for crawlers.
  • Hard learning: Angular itself may be a good option for many businesses, but beginners will have some problems with it. Despite your experience with CSS, JS or HTML, you may have difficulties, as Angular has its own concepts and philosophy that need to be acquired.

Angular vs AngularJS

Angular wasn’t the first, but it has undergone many improvements. So, what about AngularJS from 2009? Let’s compare them! First, Angular’s architecture involves components and directives, while AngularJS is designed in the MVC model called Model-View-Controller.

The second difference is that Angular uses TypeScript, while AngularJS is based on JavaScript. Another is the attributes in the expression syntax – for Angular it is () and [], while for AngularJS it is {}. Angular’s code has a more readable structure, which makes it more manageable for large applications, whereas in AngularJS the more source code, the more difficult it is to manage the structure.

AngularJS pros and cons

Despite the fact that AngularJS is definitely a less powerful technology, let’s take a look at its advantages and disadvantages.


PROS of AngularJS

  • Improved performance thanks to data binding in the MVC model.
  • Possibility to run AngularJS application from any Android or iOS mobile device.
  • You can detect any changes and start tests at any time.
  • AngularJS doesn’t require additional plug-ins, thanks to its open-source platform.
  • More intuitive operation in AngularJS thanks to a declarative language of templates.


CONS of AngularJS

  • Extremely poor scale of interpretation.
  • AngularJS is no longer supported by the community.
  • AngularJS’s complicated syntax.
  • Poor user interface that can’t cope with the management of more than 250 applications at once.
  • Larger projects must be supported with, for example, React.
  • Looking at these overviews, it is clear that a developer will choose Angular over AngularJS. Angular is ideal for large applications development, and its optimized algorithm and component-based architecture will improve performance.


AngularJS is suitable for developing applications where the developer’s workload is not needed that much, nevertheless, it is recommended to choose Angular for stable and efficient applications. Many companies still choose to use Angular because it possesses many useful features for front-end developers.

Angular application development: Is Angular good for large applications?

Google uses Angular to manage its internal procedures. It brings significant benefits to both employees and customers. Angular is the best option you can select for developing enterprise applications. Why should you choose it? Will it be a suitable option for your project? Angular is a reactive technology, which is rich in features and is available under an open-source license. It is used to create scalable, robust, and massive applications.


Component-based architecture and TypeScript focus

So, when it comes to application development, Angular’s component-based architecture is being called the future technology for enterprises. Here, components are consistent and made up of elements that have related functionality. Components are self-sufficient so that developers can use similar functionalities across different parts of the application.

As mentioned earlier, TypeScript allows adding static types to your code, as opposed to JavaScript supporting only dynamic types. Static typing makes it possible to identify bugs faster. You will easily check the input data and avoid unnecessary actions such as going through the whole code. This is definitely a time saver. This aspect saves a lot of time when a company needs a code for a large business app.

Check out the case study in which Angular
relieved paperwork of 10 FTE!

Angulars ease of maintenance and dependency injection

The other thing is that TypeScript makes code future-ready. Moreover, using auto-injection libraries, TypeScript can lead to an easily maintainable codebase. We should tell you that it is one of the best things about the TypeScript language. Also, TypeScript is a common requirement for creating large-scale applications.

Dependency injection has a very simple design pattern – basically, the supply of one object depends on another object. What does it mean? The dependency injection defines the connection between some modules and elements, which are presented in the class. It has the capability to improve code readability and makes maintenance easier. So it is a beneficial thing for large applications development.


Server-side rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal

Angular has a special and popular service called Angular Universal, which enables the application to render on a server instead of the client’s browser. It can help large applications in many ways, such as managing traffic on dynamic web pages and progressive web applications. If you want to improve the performance of your native mobile apps, Angular Universal also provides a high search engine ranking, but it also reduces the load on the web page. Angular is used by developers all over the world as it helps to create a great user interface without investing too much money, time, and resources.

Can you build a CRM with Angular?

Yes, you can build a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system using Angular, a popular front-end web application framework. Angular is especially well-suited for building complex, interactive, and data-driven applications like CRMs.

To build a CRM using Angular, you would typically follow these steps:

  1. Plan your CRM: Define the features and functionalities you want in your CRM, such as contact management, sales pipeline tracking, lead generation, customer segmentation, and reporting.
  2. Design the UI/UX: Create wireframes and mockups to visualize the user interface and user experience of your CRM. Consider responsive design to ensure your CRM works well on different devices and screen sizes.
  3. Set up the Angular environment: Install Node.js and the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) to create and manage your Angular project.
  4. Create Angular components: Break down your CRM into reusable components, such as contact lists, forms, and dashboard widgets. Use Angular’s component-based architecture to structure your application.
  5. Implement routing and navigation: Set up routing and navigation to allow users to move between different views and components within your CRM.
  6. Integrate with a backend: A CRM requires a backend to store and manage data, such as customer information and sales records. You can use various backend technologies like Node.js, Python, or .NET to build your own API, or integrate with existing CRM APIs.
  7. Connect to a database: Choose a suitable database solution, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB, to store and manage your CRM data. Implement data models and create API endpoints to interact with the database.
  8. Implement authentication and authorization: Secure your CRM by adding user authentication and role-based access control. You can use libraries like AngularFire for Firebase authentication or Auth0 for a more general solution.
  9. Test and debug: Use Angular’s built-in testing tools, such as Jasmine and Karma, to write unit and integration tests for your CRM. Debug and fix any issues that arise during development.
  10. Deploy: Once your CRM is ready, deploy it to a hosting provider or cloud platform like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure.

Remember that Angular is just one part of the technology stack needed to build a CRM. You’ll also need to choose appropriate backend and database technologies, as well as third-party libraries and services, to create a fully functional and scalable CRM system.

What are the examples of Angular-based CRMs?

While there aren’t many well-known, out-of-the-box Angular-based CRM solutions available on the market, several open-source projects and custom-built solutions utilize Angular to create CRM systems. Some examples include:

  • Angular CRM: Angular CRM is an open-source project that demonstrates how to build a simple, yet functional CRM application using Angular. The project focuses on contact management, providing features like adding, editing, and deleting contacts. You can find the source code on GitHub and use it as a starting point for your own CRM system.
    GitHub Repository
  • ngX CRM: ngX CRM is another open-source CRM project built with Angular. It showcases various Angular features like reactive forms, lazy loading, and state management with NgRx. The CRM includes basic functionalities like managing leads, opportunities, and accounts.
    GitHub Repository
  • Custom-built Angular CRMs: Many organizations choose to build their own custom CRM solutions to meet their unique business requirements. These custom CRMs often leverage Angular for their front-end development due to its flexibility, scalability, and component-based architecture. Examples of such custom-built solutions are not publicly available, but they demonstrate the feasibility of using Angular to create a tailored CRM system.

While these examples may not be popular commercial CRM solutions, they illustrate the potential of using Angular to build CRM systems. By exploring these projects and leveraging Angular’s robust ecosystem, you can create a CRM solution that meets your organization’s specific needs.


To sum up, Angular is the best choice when it comes to creating large applications. Angular comes with many services, views, controls, modules, and directories just to make the developer’s work easier. We should also remember that it offers software architectural setup and two-way data binding. With Angular application development is definitely much easier, but always think twice before you choose some technology, because it can be not the one you are looking for.

Check out our Angular-based projects yourself!

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
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