
Navigating Managed Cloud Migration

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
April 13
13 min
Table of Contents

Managed cloud migration is a process of transferring data, applications and workloads from one cloud infrastructure to another. This process can be carried out in a few different ways, such as using specialized tools or manual processes.

Before beginning the migration process, it is important to assess an organization’s existing IT infrastructure and understand their specific requirements and objectives. Organizations should ensure that they have detailed plans in place for the entire migration process so that any potential issues can be identified and addressed quickly and effectively.

With the right personnel and proper planning, managed cloud migrations can help organizations maximize the potential of their hybrid or multi-cloud solutions.


Who should be included in Managed Cloud Migration?

It is important to include a variety of stakeholders in the managed cloud migration process. This includes IT staff and engineers, system administrators, database administrators, software developers, and security personnel. Additionally, executives and business leaders should be consulted for strategic input on the best way to move forward with the migration project.

How can manual cloud migration be conducted?

Manual cloud migration is the process of transferring data, applications and workloads from one cloud infrastructure to another without the use of specialized tools. This process can be conducted by first assessing an organization’s existing IT infrastructure to understand their specific requirements and objectives. Once this assessment is complete, organizations should create a detailed plan for the migration process that outlines each step and accounts for any potential problems that may arise.

During the actual migration process, it’s important to remain vigilant in order to ensure that all data is transferred successfully and securely. Organizations should make sure that any applications or services are tested thoroughly before making them available to end users. With careful planning and experienced personnel, manual cloud migrations can be conducted effectively.

Automated managed cloud migration

Automated managed cloud migrations can make the process of migrating to the cloud much easier, faster, and more cost-effective. With automation, businesses can take advantage of pre-built migration tools to complete the process quickly and with less effort than would be required for manual migration. Automated migration solutions also provide additional benefits such as improved accuracy and consistency across different systems.

How automated migration works?

Automated migration works by using pre-defined scripts to perform the necessary operations required for moving a system or application from its current infrastructure to cloud-based services. It begins with an initial assessment of the system and its dependencies, followed by a series of steps that can include capturing data, creating migration plans, staging the environment in the cloud, running tests and validations, and finally deploying the migrated versions of systems onto their new hosts. Automated migrations can also be customized to suit the unique needs of each enterprise.

Software tools used in automated migrations

Automated migrations utilize specialized software tools to facilitate the migration process. These tools can vary depending on the application or system being migrated but generally involve capturing data, creating migration plans, staging the environment in the cloud, running tests and validations, and finally deploying the migrated versions of systems onto their new hosts.

Some of these tools include automated configuration management solutions, orchestration solutions for migrating complex applications, continuous integration pipelines for seamless deployments, and scripts that help capture data while migrating databases. They can be used to implement best practices such as security policies and other compliance requirements.

Businesses using automated cloud migrations

Automated managed cloud migrations are widely used by businesses of all sizes. For example, banks and financial institutions use this type of migration to quickly move their systems into the cloud while ensuring optimal performance and compliance with industry regulations.

Additionally, retailers utilize automated managed cloud migrations to streamline their e-commerce operations, reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

Government agencies turn to automated managed cloud migrations for improved efficiency and agility in delivering public services.

Infrastructure-as-Code for Managed Cloud Migrations

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) provides a “single source of truth” for deploying the application in multiple environments, and allows for greater scalability and portability. By using a declarative approach, IaC reduces the chances of compatibility issues arising from differences between environments, allowing applications to be migrated faster and more securely. IaC helps ensure that the same settings are applied across all instances of an application, reducing potential maintenance costs.

How can continuous integration pipelines facilitate migrations?

Continuous integration pipelines facilitate migrations by automating many of the tedious and time-consuming tasks associated with migrations, such as building images and deploying applications. Continuous integration pipelines enable developers to quickly detect errors during the migration process and take immediate corrective actions. As a result, continuous integration pipelines help ensure that the migration process is conducted efficiently, securely and with minimal disruption to operations.

What should be included in a managed migration plan?

A migration plan should provide a comprehensive and well-defined strategy for the entire cloud migration process. It should include objectives, timelines, roles and responsibilities, security protocols, budgeting estimates, ability to scale up or down if needed, post-migration review and any other pertinent details.

The plan should address any compliance or regulatory considerations as well as potential risks associated with the migration process. The plan should also include steps for testing applications and services before they are made available to end users. It is important to create a migration plan that is detailed and comprehensive in order to ensure successful outcomes.

Preparing Applications for Migrations

Preparing applications for managed cloud migrations requires a thorough review of the applications’ architecture, codebase, and dependencies. Before migrating an application to the cloud, it is important to ensure that it will properly run in the target environment. This includes identifying any potential compatibility issues and ensuring that all of the necessary data is migrated correctly.

If possible, workloads should be optimized to take advantage of cloud-native technologies such as serverless computing or containerization. All security policies should be reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with the target cloud platform’s guidelines.

When selecting a cloud provider, organizations should pay attention to certifications such as ISAE 3000/SOC 1 and SOC 2 (both of which certify a provider’s internal controls), ISO 27001 (which verifies information security management systems), PCI DSS (for protection of payment card data), and HIPAA (for the handling of health data). Additionally, providers may also hold certifications like FedRAMP or G-Cloud for government compliance.

How to identify application dependencies?

To identify all application dependencies, it is necessary to map out the different elements of an application. This includes understanding which technologies are used, who the third-party providers are, and what other services, libraries or components are utilized.

It may also be helpful to create a visualization that maps out the entire architecture and shows how each component links together. Additionally, testing functionality before and after migration can provide valuable insights into any potential compatibility issues that may exist.

Common application compatibility issues

Common compatibility issues when preparing applications for managed cloud migrations include incompatibilities between the architecture and the target environment, incorrect configuration of services and components, missing dependencies, and performance bottlenecks.

If the application requires certain hardware or software specifications that are not available in the target environment, then it may be necessary to upgrade or substitute components to ensure proper functionality. Finally, any changes made to the source code should be thoroughly tested for security vulnerabilities before migrating the application.

How do you ensure secure data transfer during Managed Cloud Migration?

Ensuring secure data transfer during managed cloud migration requires implementing a series of best practices and security protocols.

Organizations should encrypt all data in transit, leverage identity and access management (IAM) tools to control access to sensitive information, use virtual private networks (VPNs) for added security, regularly review system logs for any suspicious or unusual activity, implement data-level auditing capabilities, and ensure all systems are patched regularly with the latest security updates.

Organizations should ensure that any third-party applications used during the migration process are vetted carefully and comply with applicable regulations. By following these guidelines and taking other measures as needed, organizations can ensure secure data transfer during managed cloud migrations.

What are the benefits of Managed Cloud Migration?

Managed cloud migration offers several key benefits, including improved scalability, cost savings, greater flexibility and agility, enhanced security, and access to advanced technologies. Cloud migration enables organizations to quickly scale their operations up or down as needed and take advantage of the latest technologies. Additionally, it allows for better collaboration among teams working on different projects since people can easily share resources in real time over cloud-based networks.

Utilizing managed cloud migrations helps businesses reduce operating costs by eliminating the need for maintaining their own hardware infrastructure. Finally, managed cloud migrations often enhance security posture since many providers offer additional protection measures such as encryption and identity protection capabilities that are not available with an in-house system.

Advanced Cloud Technologies

Managed cloud migration provides organizations with access to advanced technologies that they may not have access to otherwise. For example, many managed cloud providers offer services such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions that can be used to analyze and optimize complex systems for more efficient performance.

Many vendors offer software-defined networking (SDN) and containerization technologies, which enable businesses to quickly deploy applications in isolated environments with minimal effort. Managed cloud migrations often provide access to advanced analytics solutions which can help businesses gain deeper insights into their customer base and operations.

What is software-defined networking (SDN)?

Software-defined networking (SDN) is a technology that enables the creation of virtualized networks from physical infrastructure. It utilizes software, rather than hardware and manual configuration, to control the flow of traffic throughout the network. SDN allows organizations to more easily create, configure and manage complex network topologies in order to meet their specific needs.

SDN can be used to quickly scale up or down in response to changing workloads and improve network performance by making decisions based on real-time analytics. SDN provides enhanced security by providing segmentation capabilities that can help protect sensitive data from attackers.

Software-defined networking (SDN) & security

Software-defined networking (SDN) offers multiple benefits for businesses. Firstly, SDN can significantly reduce network overhead by making it possible to quickly create and manage complex topologies. This allows organizations to maximize the efficiency of their networks by providing the ability to easily scale up or down in response to changing workloads.

By using segmentation capabilities, SDN allows organizations to isolate and control the flow of traffic within the network. This helps protect sensitive data from threats by limiting access to certain segments or groups of nodes.

SDN makes it possible to enforce policies that dictate which users have access to what resources, further enhancing security by preventing unauthorized individuals from accessing confidential information.

With its real-time analytics capabilities, SDN provides valuable insights that make it easier for administrators to detect and respond to potential risks before they become a larger issue.

SDN limits access to sensitive data

With its segmentation capabilities, SDN makes it possible for administrators to divide the network into different segments that have specific rules regarding who can access what type of information. These rules can be enforced dynamically and adjusted in real time as needed. This helps protect confidential information from potential attackers by making it difficult for them to gain access to certain parts of the network or resources. SDN also allows administrators to restrict user access based on roles and identification which further limits the potential risk of data loss or theft.

What’s the difference between cloud solutions and software-defined networking?

The main difference between cloud solutions and software-defined networking (SDN) is that cloud solutions are hosted on a third-party server while SDN uses software to manage the flow of data across multiple physical networks.

Cloud solutions provide users with access to data and applications from anywhere, while SDN simplifies network management by automating tasks such as provisioning and configuring network devices.

Cloud solutions also offer scalability and flexibility, allowing users to quickly scale up or down as needed. In contrast, SDN helps optimize performance through automated control over traffic channels and allows for greater control over bandwidth allocation.

What is a plan for Managed Cloud Migration?

A plan for managed cloud migration should include the following steps

  1. Define business goals and objectives to determine how the migration will impact existing services.
  2. Analyze and understand existing systems architecture, hardware, and software requirements for successful deployment.
  3. Select a cloud provider that meets your specific needs.
  4. Develop a complete timeline of all tasks required for the migration process.
  5. Set up staging environments in order to safely test applications before deploying them into production.
  6. Test, debug, and deploy cloud applications using tools such as configuration management software.
  7. Monitor performance closely during the initial stages after deployment to ensure smooth operation.
  8. Keep track of any changes or improvements needed throughout ongoing operations.

Tips for minimizing services disruption during managed cloud migration

Take the time to plan and consult ahead and create an effective strategy that covers all areas of cloud migration.

  • Perform extensive testing of the system before, during, and after the migration process.
  • Utilize automated tools and scripts to help reduce manual effort and ensure a smooth transition.
  • Keep track of progress throughout the entire project lifecycle.
  • Maintain proper documentation that lists any potential issues or risks associated with the migration.
  • Make sure to allocate sufficient time for training staff on how to utilize the new system effectively.
  • What factors should you consider when analyzing existing systems?
  • When analyzing existing IT systems, there are several factors to consider:
  • Infrastructure considerations such as physical infrastructure components and dependencies.
  • Security requirements to ensure data is safeguarded throughout the migration process.
  • Capacity needs to determine the size of the system and its capacity for storing large volumes of data.

It is important to determine the size of the system, as well as its capacity for storing large volumes of data in order to ensure that all necessary applications and services are properly supported throughout the cloud migration process. Factors such as bandwidth and memory should be taken into account in order to ensure sufficient capacity and performance.

  • Availability requirements to guarantee that applications remain accessible at all times.
  • Performance requirements in order to ensure a smooth cloud migration process with minimal downtime.
  • Cost evaluation in order to make sure the move is cost-effective and offers the best value for money.

Involves evaluating different options and vendors to determine which will offer the best value for money, as well as assessing any potential long-term costs that may be incurred when migrating a system or applications to the cloud. Cost evaluation should also include an analysis of any potential savings that can be made through increased efficiency, scalability and improved performance.

Note: there are several options and strategies to manage the cost of the cloud. This includes hybrid and multi-cloud approaches, custom solutions and DevOps.

Get in touch to discuss your managed cloud migration with Hicron Software House!

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
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Director of Software Delivery at NBS

The IT system supporting the work of retail outlets is the foundation of our business. The ability to optimize and adapt it to the needs of all entities in the PSA Group is of strategic importance and we consider it a step into the future. This project is a huge challenge: not only for us in terms of organization, but also for our partners – including Hicron – in terms of adapting the system to the needs and business models of PSA. Cooperation with Hicron consultants, taking into account their competences in the field of programming and processes specific to the automotive sector, gave us many reasons to be satisfied.


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Peter Windhöfel
IT Director At PSA Group Germany

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